Garden Plant: Zebra Plant

Zebra Plant Garden Plant

Zebra Plant

Product Description: Zebra Plant

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Spectacular Foliage and Showy Blooms Zebra Plant

  • Indirect Bright Light
  • Incredible Foliage Features Silvery Veins
  • Can Produce Really Showy Yellow Flowers
  • Loves High Humidity

A magnificent creature, the pinstriped Zebra Plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) develops amazing, long, lance-shaped leaves. Each lustrous green leaf features multiple silvery-white alternating veins that extend from a strong midrib.

This is a sophisticated, patterned foliage houseplant. It certainly deserves a place of honor in your collection.

We love the idea of using several of them to create a massed effect in your indoor garden. They’ll reflect light, draw you eye and keep the energy level high.

A perfect plant for a sunny, humid bathroom, the bold looks of the Zebra Plant will help wake you up without coffee. And at night? This plant will simply shine in the moonlight. Add a few candles to amp the impact.

If kept perfectly happy, with evenly moist soil and bright, indirect light – Zebra Plant can thrill you with cunning yellow blooms. Sculptural and geometric, these flower bracts are held aloft like a floral offering to a tropical jungle god.

Forgive us the overblown analogy, but if you ever see a bloom on your Zebra Plant, You’ll understand. You’ll be calling all your friends and posting pictures every single day.

Go ahead and brag. If your Zebra Plant blooms, You’ve basically won the indoor plant award.

Be sure to keep the humidity high with daily misting or diffuser nearby. It loves a spot in a warm greenhouse. Don’t miss the chance to love on your very own Zebra Plant.

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