Garden Plant: Ville De Lyon Clematis

Ville De Lyon Clematis Garden Plant

Ville De Lyon Clematis

Product Description: Ville De Lyon Clematis

Ville De Lyon Clematis Order Options

Cheery Cherries in Autumn

Clematis Ville De Lyon is a vigorous free-flowering cultivar that will certainly attract attention to your landscape!

The velvety, cherry-red 6″ flowers are made up of perfectly formed overlapping petals with deep pink central bars and nicely contrasting yellow anthers.

Clematis Ville De Lyon re blooms in early autumn. Since the lower foliage becomes scorched by late summer, it’s best grown through an evergreen shrub or tree. It looks beautiful growing through large trees or conifers and can obtain a height over 20 feet!

Clematis \’Ville De Lyon’ needs a supporting structure to grow properly and it is easy to grow with a rich, porous, alkaline soil that has plenty of room for the roots to spread.

Best performance is when the tops are in full sunlight and the roots are shaded, so apply generous mulch or a shallow-rooted ground cover near the base of the vine. Prune only after flowering is completed by removing any weak or dead stems.

Clematis \’Ville De Lyon’ is a reliable performer once established: it take a season or two to get going.

Plant this clematis for a burst of color in early fall. It will be especially noticed since other plants will to losing their luster!

* Velvety Deep Pink Flowers
* Reblooms in Autumn
* Vigorous Grower

Ville De Lyon Clematis Order Options