Garden Plant: September Raspberry

September Raspberry Garden Plant

September Raspberry

Product Description: September Raspberry

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Enjoy Crops Summer and Again in Fall!

Raspberry September, Rubus idaeus \’September’, is a cold-hardy, upright, ever bearing raspberry.

The September raspberry produces both summer and fall crops of sweet, red or yellow berries on suckering canes. Summer fruits are borne on second year canes and fall fruits on first year canes.

The upright canes are lined with thorns; new canes are produced via suckers that spread from the base of the plants.

The plants should be placed 3\’ apart in rows between 7 to 9\’ apart. September performs best in full sun with plenty of water, and it requires a good fertilizing when blooms begin.

This prickly shrub produces flavorful, medium-sized fruits that are juicy and tasty and are loved by people and wildlife alike.

Southern states may see berries ripen in August but the maximum flavor is seen in September. Use the berries for fresh eating, canning or freezing.

The sweet aroma of the September raspberry accents the distinctive taste. Plant your own now!

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