Garden Plant: Pulchella Violacea Tulip

Pulchella Violacea Tulip Garden Plant

Pulchella Violacea Tulip

Product Description: Pulchella Violacea Tulip

Pulchella Violacea Tulip Order Options

A Magenta Tulip with Real Pull Pulchella Violacea Tulip

  • Species Tulip
  • Ravishing Pink Bloom
  • Compact Size
  • Naturalizes Well
  • Great in Containers
  • Fantastic Cut Flowers

Who needs a lawn flamingo when you have Pulchella Violacea Tulips (Tulipa pulchella var. violacea)? These fuschia-colored Species Tulips add a twist to the petite tulip family. Their vibrancy and compact size will make you say “aw!” And with their perfectly simple blooms, these tulips are sure to become your next spring favorite.

Spring just doesn’t spring without tulips and the Pulchella Violacea are happy to announce that spring is about to leap into full swing. Don’t tell your crocus that their job is being threatened, though. These bright little tulips, sometimes referred to as “crocus tulips,” are happy to pop up next to your crocus collection for an early spring bulb party.

These early bloomers are some of the brightest pink tulips you will find. And their neat flowers will transform your spring garden into an illustration from a storybook. In fact, only reaching about 6-inches max, these are ideal for a fairy garden or scattered in groups throughout your yard. They also add excitement and energy to cottage gardens, borders, or as a mailbox planting.

You don’t need a lot of space to enjoy the Pulchella Violacea’s magenta blooms and deep green foliage. This petite beauty is also perfect for compact yards and gardens. For tulip enthusiasts without yards, the Pulchella Violacea thrives in containers, as well.

Pulchella Violacea Tulips produce their most prolific blooms when planted in full sun.

The Pulchella Violacea is proof that you don’t have to be tall to be showy. This show-stopper is the perfect and petite blend of pink and purple and will gladly brighten up your garden. Don’t disappoint your local fairies and order yours now.

We will ship your bulbs based on the correct planting time for your area.

Pulchella Violacea Tulip Order Options