Garden Plant: Peace Lily

Peace Lily Garden Plant

Peace Lily

Product Description: Peace Lily

Peace Lily Order Options

Glossy Green Foliage, Beautiful White Blooms Peace Lily

  • Low Light
  • Lush, Long, Shiny Leaves
  • Bright, Clean Smelling Waxy White Blooms
  • Easy Care

For a special low light accent, try the beloved Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii). The lush look of long, shiny leaves held on thin, wiry stems make a wonderfully soothing plant companion.

And just wait until you see the specialized 4 – 6 inch flowers start growing on long stems. They’ll thrill you to the core! Beautifully pale, these flower spathes open white and age into a sophisticated celadon green. Each hoodlike bloom can last up to 2 months!

Use several in a large massed indoor display along a bare wall. Remember, low light doesn’t mean no light, so ensure it receives filtered light for a few hours a day. You can also supplement with grow lights, as needed.

They will work as beautiful office decor under fluorescent lights. Watch to ensure the foliage doesn’t droop (give it water) or turn yellow (getting too much light. ) Brown leaf tips? Back off the watering a bit.

Peace Lily plants make very thoughtful gifts. Easy care, undemanding, they’ll ask for a small amount of water on a regular schedule. Give them a quick spritz with a mister or run a diffuser nearby every little bit. Polish the leaves to remove dust and keep them gleaming at their best.

They’ll clean your air, and clear your head. What a friend we have in plants,and the Peace Lily is a terrific example. No drama here, just a steady, calm green friend.

Peace Lily Order Options