Garden Plant: Orchid Lights Azalea

Orchid Lights Azalea Garden Plant

Orchid Lights Azalea

Product Description: Orchid Lights Azalea

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An Azalea That Laughs at the Cold!

If you live north of the Mason-Dixon line there is a good chance you only see azaleas when You’re watching the Master’s golf tournament on television. (The fabled Augusta National Golf Course is world-renowned for its azalea display that photographs so well for the tournament. ) Now, we can’t guarantee that we can make your garden look like Augusta National, but we are proud to introduce you to an azalea that you can enjoy in your own garden.

The Azalea Orchid Lights (Azalea \’Orchid Lights’) is one of the renowned Northern Lights series of very cold-hardy Azaleas bred in Minnesota. It was designed in order to bring this glorious warm-climate shrub all the way through zone 4!

Every spring Orchid Lights covers itself with orchid-purple flowers that are huge for azaleas – up to 1 1/2 inches across. They love filtered sunlight or light shade, although they do fine in full sun in cool-summer areas. Plant several to anchor a foundation planting or perennial bed. Evergreen, they look great year round.

Super easy to care for, just mulch Orchid Lights well and don’t prune them after mid-summer because those branches produce the next season’s flowers.

No matter whether You’re a “Master” or not, Orchid Lights will make you look like a pro!

  • Very Cold Hardy
  • Great in the shade
  • Orchid-colored flowers

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