Garden Plant: Oak Leaf Croton

Oak Leaf Croton Garden Plant

Oak Leaf Croton

Product Description: Oak Leaf Croton

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Splashy Color, Showy Shape Oak Leaf Croton

  • Variegated, Incredibly Colorful Leaves
  • Unique Tri-Lobed Leaf Shape
  • Wild Mix of Burgundy, Orange, Red, Green, Yellow
  • Bright to Low Light

When it’s not enough to have amazingly colorful leaves, try the Oak Leaf Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum \’Oak Leaf’). They’ll add a truly showy tri-lobed leaf shape on top of that infamous Croton color.

Give this variety the superstar role in your indoor garden collection. Place a single plant front and center for all to exclaim over. Or, choose to go all out with multiple Oak Leaf Crotons in a row to create a fabulously showy display.

This plant is a riot with a wild and wonderful mix of hot colors. Each leaf is a unique work of art. New leaves start light green with splashes of yellow, but deepen with maturity into an infinite variation of burgundy, orange, red, yellow and green. Generally, the midrib and veins are a brilliant red.

In Zones 9 – 10, you can grow these compact shrubs outside. Try lining a foundation or walkway to add enormous curb appeal. No one will miss your house or business!

Otherwise, give this houseplant well-drained soil. If grown in lower light, you won’t need to water as much. With a daily dose of bright light, You’ll want to keep your eye on the water. To check, stick your finger into the soil. If the soil under the surface feels dry, give it a drink.

Crotons won’t tolerate standing water, so use a light hand with the watering can. Or, take the plant to your sink and soak it. Allow all the excess water to drain for several minutes.

You’ll want to spend time with this gorgeous plant. It really sets the stage for your furnishings, and becomes a memorable backdrop for your get-togethers and dinner parties.

Order today, Oak Leaf Croton is a plant in high demand!

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