Garden Plant: Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Garden Plant

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

Product Description: Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Order Options

Gorgeous Blue Reaching Skyward

The Morning Glory Heavenly Blue, \’Ipomoea tricolor’, has glorious 4 to 5 inch sky-blue flowers. They are called Morning Glory because blooms open in the cool of the morning. During the fall however, flowers open all day.

The flowers of the Heavenly Morning Glory are sky-blue with a white throat. They will bloom from summer until fall frost.

The Heavenly Blue Morning Glory does not like to dry out, so water frequently. Morning Glories seem to bloom earlier and with more blooms when they are constricted to a pot.

Plant in the spring after the last average frost date. Plants started too early are less vigorous than those started later.

This excellent vine will cover fences and trellises, grow as groundcover, or hang in large baskets or pots.

  • Sky Blue Vine
  • Huge Blooms Spring Till Frost
  • Great On Trellis Or Fence
  • Perennial In Zones 9-10

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Order Options