Garden Plant: Harlequin Flower

Harlequin Flower Garden Plant

Harlequin Flower

Product Description: Harlequin Flower

Harlequin Flower Order Options

Harlequin Flower Mix of Colorful Flowers

  • Simple Yet Pretty Flowers
  • Bright and Cheerful
  • Nice Addition to Floral Arrangements
  • Great in Containers

Have you ever wanted a patchwork quilt of color to add some pizzazz to your yard? Well, the Harlequin Flower is happy to provide its tri-color blooms to do the job. These daisy-like flowers offer detail and delight when they bloom in late spring.

From afar it might not be apparent, but once you examine these brilliant blooms up close it’s easy to see how they earned their name. The Harlequin Flower is a rare tri-color that often dons a black mask. Well, to put it more simply, each petal of Harlequin Flower whose solid coloration slips into black near their throats, has yellow highlights.

Our Harlequin Flower, otherwise called Sparaxis Mix, is composed of the best colors and varieties. You’ll be delighted with blooms that include deep black throats with crimson petals and gold highlights, sorbet orange with black and gold, creamy yellow with gold throats, and pastel pink with high-contrast magenta and black.

Plant your Harlequin Flower Mix in drifts, as a border along your garden path, or as a front bed border. Their corms don’t stand up well against rough winters, but they so perennialize in warmer regions. You can dig up their corms over winter in a warm, dry location. They prefer full sun, and don’t worry about their eyes, each bloom is equipped with sunglasses (that’s a joke, of course).

If You’re looking for something new and different, the Harlequin Mix is an excellent choice. Its happy and colorful blooms will surely make you smile. Order yours now.

We will ship your bulbs based on the correct planting time for your area.

Harlequin Flower Order Options