Garden Plant: Fragrant Bouquet Hosta

Fragrant Bouquet Hosta Garden Plant

Fragrant Bouquet Hosta

Product Description: Fragrant Bouquet Hosta

Fragrant Bouquet Hosta Order Options

Scented Summer Flowers for the Shade

Hosta Fragrant Bouquet packs a double-whammy! Besides the strikingly colored leaves – apple green with a creamy white edge – this shade lover shoots up highly scented cream colored flowers in late summer. Talk about a conversation piece!

Planted around a shaded garden bench, this hosta will reward you with beautiful sparkling foliage all summer and into fall. When the flowers spike and perfume your shady nook, You’ll wonder why You’ve never planted these lovely hostas before. Hummingbirds love the large tubular flowers also, so you can be sure of plenty of feathered visitors to your garden.

A few hours of morning sunlight will bring out the best color in Fragrant Bouquet Hosta, but it will thrive in a totally shaded spot. It loves humis-rich soil and is a great woodland planting, but it shines if you put it in a well-drained container by your patio, too! Divide the plants in early spring as needed.

Order Fragrant Bouquet Hosta from us today. Your shady garden will thank you!

* Bi-color leaves
* Scented cream-colored blooms in mid-summer
* Hummingbirds love the flowers

Fragrant Bouquet Hosta Order Options