Garden Plant: Chinese Apricot Tree

Chinese Apricot Tree Garden Plant

Chinese Apricot Tree

Product Description: Chinese Apricot Tree

Chinese Apricot Tree Order Options

Yummy Chinese Apricots on a Late Blooming Hardy Tree

  • Delicious Fruit
  • Late Spring Flowering Resists Late Frosts
  • Ornamental Appeal
  • Generally Freestone
  • Heavy Producing

Chinese Apricot Tree is a hardy, deciduous tree that produces delicious, early fruit. Be sure to plant one in view of a window so you can enjoy watching your harvest develop throughout the summer.

One of the prettiest edible fruiting trees, Chinese Apricot Tree is sure to be a lovely addition to your yard. The branches expand an elegant spread, supporting many shorter branchlets for an appealing appearance even in winter.

In the spring, pink-hued, white flowers will appear to be sprinkled across the branches, a lovely welcome to the warmth of summer. Serrated, oval green leaves cling to colorful, reddish stems through the summer, clothing the tree in vibrant green.

As the season progresses, the flowers give way to spherical, pitted fruit. Ripening to a yellow-orange brilliance, the delicious fruit is sure to stand out in sharp contrast against lush, green foliage.

Chinese Apricot fruit is of superb quality, and generally freestone, making it easy to use in canning, drying, or in baked goods.

Apricots contain carotenoids which are antioxidants that help prevent heart disease, reduce “bad cholesterol” levels, and protect against cancer. In fact, apricots and their stones have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. They are also high in fiber and considered by some to be a natural weight-loss food.

The Chinese Apricot Tree is an early bearing, heavy producing variety that is recommended for difficult climates (especially those prone to late spring frosts). It blooms late and is also one of the earliest ripening fruits.

Chinese Apricot is considered semi-dwarf, and is adaptable to many soil types. It doesn’t require a pollinator, so you can even try just one if you prefer. However, harvests are generally larger with more than one tree. Choose a Tilton late blooming apricot as a partner.

An apricot tree is hard to resist. Beneficial not just for its healthy, delicious fruit, but also valued for its ornamental appeal, Chinese Appricot Tree is a must have for your yard today.

Chinese Apricot Tree Order Options