Garden Plant: Bird’s Nest Spruce

Bird's Nest Spruce Garden Plant

Bird’s Nest Spruce

Product Description: Bird’s Nest Spruce

Bird's Nest Spruce Order Options

Fun Dwarf Bird’s Nest Spruce Has Unique Shape

  • Small, Dark Green Evergreen
  • Memorable Shape
  • Winter Interest
  • Hardy and Wind Resistant
  • Easy Care
  • Pest and Disease Resistant
  • Won’t Outgrow It’s Spot
  • Maintenance Free
  • Well Drained Soil and A Sunny Location Keeps It Happy
  • Deer Leave it Alone

If you are searching for an outstanding low-maintenance, evergreen plant to use as a specimen in a sunny spot, take a good look at the cute Bird’s Nest Spruce (Picea abies \’Nidiformis’). This dwarf evergreen stays low and makes a big visual impact in your landscape.

Use evergreens to add structure, texture and year-round color to your landscape. Bird’s Nest Spruce truly shines in wintertime.

This adorable, extremely small variety of Norway Spruce stays petite. It features a very distinctive look, with feathery, nodding branches that downturn in a graceful way.

The nicely structured branches grow out first, and then up. You’ll be amazed at the way the plant grows taller on the outside, than in the center. It is a great name, as it features a decorative appearance that really does look like the nest of a bird!

Dainty, feathery needles add to the appeal. The plant will hold these short, dark green needles year round.

Bird’s Nest Spruce grows slowly and lives for a long time. It is a useful small evergreen will not outgrow its place. Try tucking one as an amazing specimen plant in interesting little spots here and there in the landscape.

You’ll appreciate the charm of this cute, easy-care evergreen. It asks for very little in return. Bird’s Nest Spruce has no significant insect or disease issues and is extremely hardy-even resisting harsh winds. Like all Spruce, they will need a spot in full sun and well-drained soil for best results.

This rounded, miniature variety makes an outstanding choice for small yards. You’ll love it! Order yours from us today.

How to Use Bird’s Nest Spruce in the Landscape

Birds Nest Spruce is a hardy, low specimen evergreen that is perfect for rock gardens, retaining walls, or a great little accent on a berm or courtyard area. There are many places that can use some winter interest.

Try this in a sunny corner of your house or as a great foundation plant under your front windows. It makes a formal presentation when planted on either side of your front entrance.

It looks great as an evergreen accent in a jazzy container on your patio, deck or front porch. Add them near a grouping of large containers to give 4 season appeal.

They make a unique, low ground cover in those hot sunny locations. Once they are established, they are very drought tolerant.

Birds Nest can be used in mass plantings for large scale residential landscapes. They are tough enough to handle the rigors of commercial applications.

They’ll make a whimsical addition to the yard. Why not include yard art of bird sculptures nearby? Go as high-end and sophisticated as you like, or splash out on cheap and cheerful outdoor bird decorations.

Consider decorating these cuties for every Holiday! It won’t cost much to set up a treasured collection of outdoor ornaments for these compact plants. Have fun with this appealing evergreen. After all, it’s a Spruce and will still look elegant no matter what you place nearby.

You could get lost in the intricate branch structure. Use one as a chilled out focal point in a Meditation Garden or try your hand at the ancient art of Bonsai.

Use at the top of a retaining wall, and underplant with weeping Juniper groundcover. Give them plenty of room to achieve their magnificent bird’s nest.

Bird’s Nest Spruce can also be used as a groundcover, or edging plant along a garden border. Plant them 3-4 feet apart on center. You’ll measure from the center of one to the center of the next.

Because it can take several years for the plants to reach size, please be patient. Or, buy the largest container size we have in stock. You’ll start with a more mature plant which has received expert care it’s whole life!

Pro Plant Tips for Care

This is an no-fuss plant that can take just about any soil, as long as it drains well. If you see puddles that remain long after a rain, You’ll need to mound up. Add 18 of soil on top of your native soil and plant directly in that mound.

Please give it a full sun location. Young plants require careful attention to water as they work to establish their roots in your landscape.

Use the Finger Test to check. Poke your index finger into the dirt near your plant up to the 2nd knuckle. Is it getting dry? Give it a nice, long drink. Still moist? Skip watering that day.

After the first few seasons, You’ll be amazed how drought tolerant these beautiful dwarf globe shrubs become.

Pruning is not really even needed, but should any branches need to be shortened up-prune in spring before new growth begins.

Like many trees and shrubs, Bird’s Nest Spruce appreciates a light application of mulch over the root system. Pull the mulch back several inches around the trunk to give air circulation.

Enjoy your Bird’s Nest Spruce. It can really become a cherished feature of your yard. You won’t have to fuss or muss with it, and it sure brings a whole lot of character.

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