Garden Plant: Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea

Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea Garden Plant

Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea

Product Description: Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea

Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea Order Options

Bi-Color Repeating Pink Charmer

Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea, Azalea x \’Roblel’, is beloved for its pink, repeat-blooming flowers and sun tolerance. Plant some for a colorful border or use one as an accent plant. These even do well in containers.

Your Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea features 3-inch blooms of delicate pink elegance. Each lovely blossom features a slightly darker splash of color at the center.

These stunning spring bloom are sure to leave you breathless, and You’ll be amazed how the flowers persist into summer, followed by another bloom in fall. The lustrous and large, dark green foliage provides a vibrant backdrop for the flowers, and its evergreen nature will bring color to your drab winter months.

Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea has a naturally, rounded growth habit and doesn’t require any special care. You won’t be the only one to appreciate Debutante’s beautiful blooms, as butterflies (and other pollinators), adore this Azalea for its abundance of flowers.

The Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea will not only provide you with the type of amazing flowers You’ve come to expect from an Azalea, but will do so from spring until fall and without taking up as much space as some Azaleas do in the landscape. It’s a must-have for any Azalea lover!

  • Reblooming Pink Flowers
  • Lustrous Evergreen Foliage
  • Wildlife Interest
  • Sun Tolerant

Autumn Debutante Encore Azalea Order Options