Garden Plant: Yoshino Flowering Cherry
Product Description: Yoshino Flowering Cherry
Outstanding Yoshino Flowering Cherry Tree
- Very Popular Cherry Blossom Tree
- Stunning and Fragrant Blossoms in Early Spring
- Produces a Range from White to Pink Flowers
- Historic Tree Gift from Japan
- Host Your Own Cherry Blossom Hanami Celebration
- Dark Green Leaves Make Them Wonderful Shade Trees
- Perfect Form Brings Winter Interest
- Grows Quickly
- Adaptable to a Wide Variety of Soils
- Drought Resistant Once Established
Japan gave the United States 3,000 Yoshino Flowering Cherry trees in 1912. Now, the graceful Yoshino Cherry Tree (Prunus x yedoensis) plays a starring role in the annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC.
This world-famous tree is planted all along the Tidal Basin. Every year, thousands of people converge on our nation’s capital to see the Yoshino Cherry Trees in bloom.
The tree grows with an upright, vase-shaped, branching habit that bestows an Asian sensibility in the landscape. Yoshino has incredible gray-black bark.
Fragrant, pale pink flowers liberally cover the lovely, dark, bare branches in very early spring. Each flower is at least an inch across. The flower display in spring is an amazing sight. This is truly one of the world’s greatest wonders.
Called Sakura by the Japanese – but nicknamed the Potomac Cherry in the United States – Yoshino Cherry Tree bursts into bloom in spring and the flowering lasts for several weeks.
You can now bring home a bit of that world-renowned beauty to your own yard. Design a lyrical Japanese Garden, use as a lawn specimen or create a heightened sense of anticipation in your landscape by planting a long row of them.
Young blooms are a pale pink that mature to white with a slight pink hue. These clusters of flowers are so bright they almost glow.
They smell wonderful, too, with a light fragrance. Spring breezes will carry the scent throughout your yard.
Yoshino is an incredible specimen shade tree with an outstanding flower show in early spring. Dark green leaves provide shade all summer, then mellow for another display of fall color.
The deep golden-orange highlights the end of the season. The leaves are accented by tiny decorative fruit that help feed local songbirds.
If you see the Yoshino in stock on our site, please place your order today.
We can’t guarantee how long this year’s stock will last, so please reserve yours today!
Celebrate Yoshino Flowering Cherry Blossom Trees
Life is short. Why not create a collection of Japanese Flowering Cherries? Yoshino will be a standout, but We offer many different Cherry Blossom trees for sale.
All of these trees are highly coveted for their beauty, ease and fragrance. Consider creating your own very special collection of these magnificent trees in your landscape.
The old Master hybridizers in Japan worked to perfect these trees for many centuries. Their elegant branch structure and abundant flower set are a testimony to their talents.
They certainly created a masterpiece with the flowering Yoshino. The tree is a metaphor for the fleeting quality of life, and it’s ephemeral nature is celebrated every year in Japan.
Serene Japanese Flowering Cherry trees feature a long-lasting, enchanting period of blooms before the leaves emerge. Every graceful branch is simply covered with bloom.
The luminous, single, pale pink petals glisten in sunlight. Bright yellow stamens in the center of each flower capture and reflect that light.
You’ll want to host Cherry Blossom parties in the spring, just the way they do in Japan. Called Hanami (get-together) Sakura Parties, they help people enjoy togetherness, food and to celebrate the falling of the petals with family and friends.
Like living fireworks, every year the blooms drop quickly. This beautiful shower of floral confetti is eagerly anticipated in Japan.
Be sure to site the trees where You’ll catch glimpses of them from inside your cozy house. Early spring weather can be unpredictable, so you may need to move the festivities inside.
How to Use Yoshino Flowering Cherry in the Landscape
Yoshino forms a broad, graceful tree with arching branches. Give it room to develop into its mature form. You won’t want to miss studying the elegant lines of this beautiful tree.
Exotic Yoshino makes people stop and stare. This is a perfect ornamental tree with an abundance of delicate spring blooms in the spring. Try a long row of them lining a fence or create a fabulous allée with a double row on either side of your entry drive. Yoshino also makes a stunning lawn specimen.
Even small gardens can use a Yoshino Flowering Cherry tree as an “all-in-one” ornamental accent and shade tree. Plant it where you can see the bloom from inside your house, too. A single tree will be the focal point of any landscape.
There is something sculptural about the sinuous branching structure of these pretty trees. Use this to your advantage in your yard. Here’s how:
First, plant trees at least 15 feet away from your house. You’ll want to have access to the exterior for ongoing maintenance.
Now, imagine how your front entrance would look flanked by an arching pair of these trees. You’d have visual interest all year-long. Carefully site the trees so the longest branches arch up over your doorway and reach towards each other. Selectively prune the lower branches if needed to create the effect you want. Amazing curb appeal!
A very popular application of these trees would be to create a long row of them. Plant them 7 feet apart if you want the canopies to touch. If you want the trees to become individual specimens in your row, plant them 12 feet apart. Measure from the trunk of one to the trunk of the next.
Rows look fantastic along a fence line or driveway. If you have the room, try a double row – or “allee” – all along both sides of the drive.
What a memorable experience each spring during bloom time! Fall color is another enchanting experience.
A double row can be used in the yard, as well. Plant a few trees on either side of a wide walkway or path to a destination spot such as an outdoor kitchen or fire pit. You’ll heighten the experience for everyone who visits your yard.
One of the most important design elements in Washington, D. C. is how the Yoshino Flower Cherry trees reflect in the waters of the Tidal Basin.
Try this yourself. If you have a water feature, build a high bank of extra soil near one edge. Add 24 inches of top soil above grade. Then, sculpt the dirt and firm it up well. Plant the Yoshino directly in that mound.
When sculpting your top soil mound, imagine you are recreating a tiny mountain range. Try to include at least one slightly elevated peak and a few small dips, or valleys. Have fun with this cool project and enjoy the reflected tree.
Pro Plant Tips for Care
Once established in your soil, it is drought resistant. Yoshino isn’t fussy about soil, either. It adapts well to an array of soil types, as long as it’s well-drained.
Plant it in full day sun for the very best blooms. Light pruning to shape an open branch structure should be done in late fall or in spring after the blooms are past.
It displays some tolerance to drought, but while your tree is young – or in times of extended drought – supplement with an even amount of moderate water. In dry, hot areas, it’s best to mulch them to keep the root system moist.
You, like so many other homeowners, will adore your Yoshino Flowering Cherry tree! Order today.