Garden Plant: Yezberry Solo Japanese Haskap

Yezberry Solo Japanese Haskap Garden Plant

Yezberry Solo Japanese Haskap

Product Description: Yezberry Solo Japanese Haskap

Yezberry Solo Japanese Haskap Order Options

Easy To Grow And Super Delicious!

Maybe You’re afraid to grow berries in your backyard. You’re afraid that they’ll be too hard, too time-consuming, too much trouble. If that is the case, we’d like to introduce you to Yezberry Solo Japanese Haskap. This is a berry that You’re probably not familiar with. You know all about Blueberries, Strawberries, Black and Red Raspberries, but Japanese Haskaps may not be on your radar… yet. They soon will be, though. This is the first year that these are available to the home gardener in a big way.

What’s so great about these berries? Let us count the ways:


Yezberry Solo Japanese Haskap Order Options