Garden Plant: Winter King Hawthorn

Winter King Hawthorn Garden Plant

Winter King Hawthorn

Product Description: Winter King Hawthorn

Winter King Hawthorn Order Options

Small Ornamental Tree with Outstanding Winter Interest

The Winter King Hawthorn is a small ornamental tree with particular winter interest. It would do well anywhere You’d like an ornamental tree but don’t have much room.

The outstanding feature of your Hawthorn is its winter features.

The silver-grey bark tends to peel, revealing an inner peachy-copper hue. This is best exposed after the dark green leaves transform to their golden reds in autumn and fall to the ground.

The younger branches tend toward a lighter green shade, giving your Hawthorn additional color and contrast.

It’s in autumn when You’ll also notice the ½ inch bright red berries. The berries remain through the winter and are a welcome treat for your wildlife.

The 2 inch glossy green leaves with serrated edges do a terrific job of filling out the canopy, aiding in the dense growth pattern of your tree.

You’ll love the clusters of ¾ inch white flowers that appear, their gentle fragrance a welcome addition to your spring yard.

The Winter King Hawthorn is a hardy tree that is relatively small in stature but will still provide you with year-round interest.

However, the time it truly shines is in the winter. A Hawthorn in your yard during the winter months has the effect of a silvery-grey tree decorated with dangling red berries.

It truly is a “winter king” among trees in the usually barren cold landscape, and a must-have for your yard this year.

  • Outstanding winter interest
  • Year-round interest
  • Great for wildlife
  • Hardy

Winter King Hawthorn Order Options