Garden Plant: Willow Hybrid

Willow Hybrid Garden Plant

Willow Hybrid

Product Description: Willow Hybrid

Willow Hybrid Order Options

Austree Willow Hybrid Tree Grows 6-10 Feet a Year!

  • Super-Fast Grower
  • Wonderfully Thick Privacy Screen
  • Disease and Pest Resistant
  • Also Known as Austree
  • Effective Sound Barrier
  • Get Privacy All Year Long When Planted Close Together
  • Controls Soil Erosion
  • Controls Wind and Snow

We’ve all been there. The next door neighbor just can’t keep their garage workshop tidy. The vacant lot next door was sold to a convenience store chain. The old chain link fence doesn’t really “float your boat”. Your teenage daughter loves to have her friends over to swim in your new above ground pool.

If you need a dense privacy screen YESTERDAY, this is a great solution. You’ll get a living green wall by the end of the first season.

Even as a young, newly planted tree, Willow Hybrid (Salix mutsudana x Salix alba \’Austree’) grows an amazing 6-10 feet a year. Once it’s established in your soil, it can put on as much as 15 feet in a single growing season. That is fast!

People also call this tree Austree Willow and Hybrid Willow. Whatever you call it, if you need a super speedy privacy screen (and receive enough rainfall in your area), this is your tree!

One of the Speediest Trees for Sale

Planted in full sun or part shade and given plenty of water, this Willow will block any undesirable view you have in as little as a year.

We recommend that you plant it where it can grow and develop naturally to reach its mature height and spread. After all, you don’t want to make more work for yourself!

Large, hedge-like plantings can screen out neighbors or unsightly views. They block wind, screen out ugly views, reduce dust and reduce noise.

The Willow Hybrid is a deciduous tree that drops its leaves in the winter. However, even the branches are an effective privacy hedge and windbreak all season long. Just follow our planting guidelines:

For a dense privacy screen this year, plant them 3 feet apart in single rows.

For a windbreak, plant a double staggered row 5 feet apart using a zig-zag pattern.

Austree Willow Hybrid trees are not invasive or messy. They won’t sucker, colonize or set seed all over the place. Instead, You’ll just enjoy a fine-textured plant that grows super-fast and blocks wind and ugly views for you.

You’ll love the graceful, soft look of this tree. It will add a lot of motion to your landscape, as the wind plays through the leaves. Order enough to complete your project today – we WILL sell out of inventory of this popular tree.

How to Use Willow Hybrid in the Landscape

This is a versatile tree that works hard at providing beautiful privacy. No one ever said these plants need to be planted in a straight row, but many people chose to do so.

Plant them along an existing fence to easily and quickly extend the height. Or, create a living fence from scratch for a fraction of the cost of traditional fencing.

Stop soil erosion on slopes and ditches very quickly by planting Austree Willow Hybrid.

For a more natural look, plant Hybrid Willow Hybrid in wide, undulating drifts on large open areas. Just vary the space between plants, going from as close as 4 -5 feet, or as far apart as 10 – 15 feet. You’ll also vary the number of trees used. Plant two or three plants trees in some areas, then go back to a single curving row.

To effectively block wind, dust and snow, leave a few places open with no plants. That’s where the snow will accumulate, so plan to put these open areas well out of your way.

You can also use this tree 30 feet from your driveway planted to block the prevailing winds. It will help reduce the amount of snow You’ll need to shovel. Big bonus!

Specially developed to be a very fast growing plant, everyone soon realized that it makes an incredible windbreak or plant to include in a shelter belt because of that fast rate of growth.

Farmers and ranchers have been known to plant a row this tree, along with a slower growing row of Norway Spruce to get both fast results and long-term protection from the wind and snow.

Fill any voids or holes in a mixed planting bed with this fast growing plant. You’ll appreciate the soft, green look. The small leaves resemble those of one of its parents, the beautiful Salix matsudana.

This nice tree has bright green new growth in early spring. Try it in a Rain Garden to help capture and filter runoff water on low-laying areas of your property.

Or, line a water feature with these pretty plants. They’ll perform beautifully and add a wonderfully mellow vibe. They’ll act as beautiful supporting actors for more colorful water garden perennials.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Extremely pest and disease resistant, the Willow Hybrid is hardy from Canada to Florida and can thrive in most any soil. It’s trouble-free and will work in extreme temperatures from cold to hot.

Austree Willow Hybrid is a cross between the Salix alba (White Willow) and Salix matsudana (Chinese Willow). From its parents, the Austree has upright branches, fast growth, narrow leaves that light green with a lighter underside.

Hybrid Willows do appreciate good moisture to put on maximum amount of growth and to remain stress free. Medium moisture is best, at least an inch of water a week. This plant can tolerate wetter areas better than most.

Keep the lowest branches on the tree!

In fact, if you want to encourage more lower branches, just cut the plant back after the first season in your ground. Let the new growth pop up again quickly from the established rootstock. Cutting the plants back after the first season will generate low branching which is most desired for snow fencing or windbreaks.

Don’t plant Austree Willow Hybrid near your septic or drainage fields as the root system may be aggressive in some areas. It’s wonderful in open, exposed areas for offering some wind protection and screening.

Give it plenty of room to reach its mature size. Don’t plant them too close to your house, give them at least 40 feet of room.

Add a tremendous amount of value to your home with a soft, green living wall. If you see this tree in stock online, place your order right now! You don’t want to miss out.

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