Garden Plant: Weeping Fig

Weeping Fig Garden Plant

Weeping Fig

Product Description: Weeping Fig

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Weeping Fig Your New Best Friend

  • Bright Light
  • Big Personality
  • Amazing for Privacy Screening
  • Lots of Airy Foliage

Whether you are new to houseplants, or have been successfully growing them for many years, You’ll always have room in your heart for a Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina).

Give them a proper setup to thrive. You may need to watch and adjust your plant’s light and water conditions.

It’s well worth it. Keeping a Weeping Ficus happy is a wonderful feeling. If you can keep it bushy and healthy, it will make you feel like a million bucks. And between you and I? It’s pretty easy.

One of the reasons this plant looks so good when it’s well cared for is the great branch structure. From a distance, a Weeping Fig looks full and very lush. Use it to gently provide a privacy screen, or as an organic backdrop for the room.

Up close, You’ll appreciate the open airiness of the fluttery little leaves. The green leaves come to a distinctive (and very cute!) point at the bottom.

The leaves of a Weeping Fig are great at telling you exactly how your plant is doing. Watch them for telltale signs of health.

Glossy and green? You are doing good, keep it up!

Green, but getting dry? Move it out of full sun. Get out your water sprayer, and have a moment misting your plant’s foliage. Do that two or three times a week.

Weeping Fig prefers to have its conditions remain the same over a long time. Be prepared to see dry or yellow leaves fall off, if you have to move it. Every seasonal change may bring some leaf drop which is very normal and no cause for concern. Any laves that do drop, be sure to remove from the soil and dispose of in the garbage or compost pile.

Baby it a bit, and it should bounce back for you. In winter, You’ll be able to move it closer to the window. You can also go a bit longer between waterings, as this is its sleepy season.

Try it on a patio or deck once the threat of frost is completely over. Make the transition gradually, moving it out for a few hours at a time, then bringing it back over the course of several days, if you can. Be patient with it, and watch to make sure it doesn’t get sunburned.

Keep adjusting to meet this plants requirements. You can always move it during the summer, too.

Order your Weeping Fig from us today!

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