Garden Plant: Violet Satin Rose of Sharon

Violet Satin Rose of Sharon Garden Plant

Violet Satin Rose of Sharon

Product Description: Violet Satin Rose of Sharon

Violet Satin Rose of Sharon Order Options

Improved Variety with Deep-Pink Blooms

Violet Satin Rose of Sharon is a deciduous shrub with ornamental characteristics. Plant one as specimen for your front yard, or several as a decorative hedge. These can also be trained into a small, ornamental tree form.

Your Violet Satin Rose of Sharon’s blooms are sure to be an arresting sight in your landscape! Each large, single blossom is deep-pink, accented by a dark red center and prominent stamen.

Butterflies, hummingbirds and bees will certainly take notice, and appreciate the addition of these large flowers to your yard. The colorful blooms have an exotic appearance that will provide an almost-tropical feel to your garden from summer to fall. Violet Satin is even a prolific bloomer, so You’re sure to have an abundance of blooms throughout the season.

It’s a Proven Winners selection, and a tremendous improvement in hardiness. It is drought and heat tolerant, doesn’t attract deer and generally easy to care for. In general, Violet Satin is clearly superior to older and weaker varieties.

A Rose of Sharon with stunning blooms and an improved hardy nature over other varieties, Violet Satin will be an exceptional choice for your yard today.

  • Summer blooms
  • Wildlife interest
  • Large, bright blooms

Violet Satin Rose of Sharon Order Options