Garden Plant: Texana Nuttall Oak
Product Description: Texana Nuttall Oak
One of the Fastest Growing Oak Trees!
The Texana Nuttall Oak tree, Quercus texana, also known as Spanish Oak, Nuttall’s Oak, Texas Red Oak, Spotted Oak, Rock Oak, and Red River Oak. Regardless of its many names, it is a large, deciduous, native tree in the Red Oak group.
The Texana Nuttail tree has a wide-spreading, rounded crown. Fruits are oval acorns with scaly cups. Dark green leaves are deeply divided into spiny, pointed lobes. Leaf shape is reminiscent of the closely related Pin Oaks and Shumard Oaks.
Fall color comes late, but often includes quality shades of red. Species name is in reference to the state of Texas where this Oak was first identified.
Texana has gray-brown bark, initially thin and smooth, and later develops narrow scaly ridges. The acorn matures in two seasons. The acorns are eaten by water fowl, turkey, squirrel, deer, and many small mammals. The wood is used as Red Oak lumber.
The popularity and demand for this Oak species is driven by its fast growth rate, ease of care and planting, fall color, and its ability to thrive in wet soils.
- Wildlife Tree
- Fast Growing
- Acceptable Of Wet Soils
- Red Fall Color