Garden Plant: Tango Mandarin
Product Description: Tango Mandarin
The biggest of the small ones!
You think you know mandarins. The cute little slices are everywhere these days – in fruit cups in the grocery store, in salads in restaurants, in kid’s meals in the drive-through. It’s time for something new.
Step aside little cuties… say hello to Tango.
Tango Mandarin was developed only a few years ago by the brilliant scientists at UC Riverside in one of California’s best citrus growing regions. They wanted a clementine-type of fruit that was a little bigger, a little better, a little juicier and a little easier to grow than what was currently on the market. Thanks to some intricate scientific cyphering combined with some special SoCal fairy-dust they were able to introduce Tango to the world.
Easy peel and super juicy with no seeds! This is the mandarin your kids dream of. The trees are hardy, covered in glossy green leaves. The fruit matures in January and hangs on fast through April.
Only on the commercial market since 2010, there is a pretty good chance that You’ll be the first person in your neighborhood to grow these in your own garden or indoor container. Why not guarantee it? Order yours from us today!
* Seedless Sweet Fruit
* Vigorous Grower
* Winter blooms with amazing scent
* Grow Indoors and Out