Garden Plant: Supertunia Mini Strawberry Pink Veined Petunia

Supertunia Mini Strawberry Pink Veined Petunia Garden Plant

Supertunia Mini Strawberry Pink Veined Petunia

Product Description: Supertunia Mini Strawberry Pink Veined Petunia

Supertunia Mini Strawberry Pink Veined Petunia Order Options

The Petunia Supertunia Mini Strawberry Pink Veined, Petunia hybrids \’Supertunia Mini Strawberry Pink Veined’ (PP13539), is wonderfully fragrant, perpetually in bloom, and has a wonderful pink color. With its masses of small flowers, this vigorous trailing plant turns hanging baskets and decorative urns into garden masterpieces!

The \’Supertunia Mini Strawberry Pink Veined’ has beautiful pink veined flowers and provides long-term pink color in full sun areas throughout the season; can grow nearly an inch a day. It is ideal for baskets, beds, balconies and combination plantings.

Supertunias are very heat and drought tolerant once established and do not need deadheading. Since they grow fast be sure to give them ample moisture and fertilizer all season long.

For zones 9-11, this plant can also be a perennial.

* Pink flowers
* Drought tolerant
* Easy to grow

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