Garden Plant: Super Select Arctic Royal Empress Tree
Product Description: Super Select Arctic Royal Empress Tree
Fast Super Select Arctic Royal Empress Paulownia
- Grows to Mature Size in 5 – 6 Years with Proper Care
- Gorgeous, Exotic White Flower Cascades in Spring
- Uniform, Straight Growth
- Genetically Superior Trees
- Cold Hardy and Heat Tolerant
If you are on the hunt for a fast growing tree for shade or privacy, there isn’t a much better choice than Royal Empress (Paulownia) trees. They are extremely fast growers. They are cold hardy, but they’ll also take extreme heat without any problem. Best of all, these beauties produce very attractive large leaves and beautiful spring flowers.
In the past, you could choose between purple and… purple. Well, not anymore. Available now, We are pleased to offer a white flowering Paulownia tree.
These white flowers with purple and yellow throats are absolutely incredible. The spectacular display of white, bell-shaped flowers burst into bloom on cascading clusters of 8-12″ blossoms. You’ll have very curious neighbors and You’ll adore the look. It gives a crisp, clean look to any landscape.
Over twenty years in the making, this hardy selection of Royal Empress tree is called Super Select \’ARCTIc’. It’s called the Arctic because it can tolerate minus 15 degrees below zero without missing a beat.
These plants are cloned – not grown from seed – so each one has all of the traits of the mother plant. They were bred for hardiness, straight trunks, and super uniformity. You won’t have to play guessing games with this tree!
Just like our Purple Flowered Royal Empress Paulownia trees, this one is very fast growing and will develop into a beautiful plant in an insanely short period of time. The huge, heart-shaped leaves can be two feet across or more. They’ll create a lush canopy and cast beautiful shade. What an exotic look AND a super-fast return on your investment!
Arctic Paulownia loves full sun and the only requirement is that it must be grown in well-drained soil. They will not grow on land that floods on occasion or does not drain well. If you need to improve drainage, create a berm or raised garden bed for planting.
If these are in stock on our site, do not hesitate. Buy them now, because we WILL run out of inventory quickly. Don’t miss your chance to put in one of the world’s fastest growing trees, SUPER SELECT \’Arctic’ Paulownia.
Give it room and get ready! This miracle of nature can grow to a mature tree with 5 – 6 years. Wow!