Garden Plant: Summer Wave Large Violet Wishbone Flower

Summer Wave Large Violet Wishbone Flower Garden Plant

Summer Wave Large Violet Wishbone Flower

Product Description: Summer Wave Large Violet Wishbone Flower

Summer Wave Large Violet Wishbone Flower Order Options

Torenia Summer Wave Large Violet, Torenia hybrid \’Summer Wave Large Violet’ PP#15,684, has violet-colored flowers that bloom all season. Torenia loves filtered sun and does well in shady locations. Like all the rest of the Summer Waves, this plant thrives in high humidity and has excellent heat tolerance. This filtered-sun lover, with its trailing habit, provides superb color throughout even the hottest months of the year and does well in pots and window boxes. The flowers trail over the side of a container with a pretty cascading effect. Torenia Summer Wave Large Violet is a heat and shade tolerant plant that has a snapdragon-like flower all season. It is low maintenance and dead heading is not necessary. Blooms have lovely shades of blue purple, so intermingles well with other plants to fill in the middle ground of a combination. This plant can be a perennial in zones 9-11. In zones 3-8 it is an annual only.

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