Garden Plant: Sioux Crape Myrtle
Product Description: Sioux Crape Myrtle
100 Days of Pink Sioux Crape Myrtle Pink Blooms
- Very Hardy
- Dependable Garden Performer
- Striking Pink Color
- Long-Lasting Summer Flowers
Everything about the amazing Sioux Crape Myrtle tree (Lagerstroemia indica x faueri \’Sioux’) is colorful – the dark green foliage, the clear pink flowers, even the bark. This beautiful small tree will be a beacon in your landscape for you every day of the year.
The show starts in the spring with a flush of pretty green leaves. This is quickly followed by stunning pink flowers that bloom continuously through the hottest part of summer without missing a beat. Those ruffled blooms keep coming all the way through the fall, too.
The flowers look like crepe paper, so many gardeners refer to these trees as “Crepe Myrtles. ” Either way, the pink blooms are absolutely knockout gorgeous!
As the flowers start to fade, the leaves begin turning brilliant shades of red and purple. Even after the leaves drop, You’ll have visual interest through winter. The sloughing bark of the Sioux Crape Myrtle peels from dark brown to beige to give the trunk a marbled look.
You’ll love the look of this variety all year long. Thrifty gardeners in hardiness Zones 6-9 will appreciate this long-lasting display.
We will sell out of this popular pink variety. Please
How to Use Sioux Crape Myrtle in the Landscape
Lagerstroemia Sioux Crape Myrtle is a perfect size for any garden. They don’t get too big or stay too small. They fit under utility lines with no problem.
To create the look of a single trunk tree, simply trim off the lower branches all the way back to the main trunk. You can remove branches from the main trunk starting from ground level and working up to a height of 3 – 5 feet.
Or, if you prefer a shrubby screen, simply leave the lower branches on the plant. You’ll be thrilled with the flowering privacy screen this gives you.
We recommend that you study the Plant Highlights to see the mature height and spread of every plant. Plan ahead for healthy trees. Give Sioux enough room to reach its full potential.
Being a Crape Myrtle, you can expect a long-lived shrub that will consistently give you a beautiful deep green leaves and clouds of flowers every year with no fuss. You’ll be rewarded with over 100 days of blooms during the season.
Pro Plant Tips for Care
This is an exceptionally hardy Sioux Pink Crape Myrtle. It blooms farther north than many other Crape Myrtles. (It will even thrive under a blanket of ice and snow!)
It is also heat tolerant and disease and drought resistant. It is tolerant of almost any soil type and flourishes where other flowering shrubs won’t.
Plant in full sun to get the best performance and powdery mildew resistance. While somewhat drought tolerant, it’s far better to give them supplemental water regularly during extended periods of dry weather without rainfall.
Sioux Crape Myrtle will bloom on this year’s wood. If you need to remove crossing branches, suckers or branches growing inward, simply trim the branches in late fall or early winter before the flower buds set.
However, if you want to control the size of the tree, use loppers to prune the top branches back to a side branch in late winter.
If you want to enjoy a repeat bloom in late summer, simply clip the spent flowers off after they fade.
Don’t miss having this gold-medal winning pink stunner in your landscape this year. These best sellers are available right now. Don’t wait!