Garden Plant: Silver Edge Lavender

Silver Edge Lavender Garden Plant

Silver Edge Lavender

Product Description: Silver Edge Lavender

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Frosty Silver and Fragrance

The Lavender \’Silver Edge’, Lavandula x intermedia \’Walvera’, grows into a variegated soft-looking bushy mound that features silver-green leaves with creamy white margins.

The edges are most pronounced during a warm spring, but remain distinctive throughout the summer when dark-tipped buds and compact, dusky blue-violet blooms appear.

The fragrant flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies and even birds.

The lovely leaves that are edged with icy, silvery-white margins and give your landscape a “cool” new look! Its deep violet-blue flower spikes make a beautiful contrast to the lighter foliage in July and August.

If you have clay soils, grow this plant in a container or in a raised bed with sandy soils in the raised bed.

  • Soft Silvery Foliage
  • Fragrant Blooms
  • Attracts Pollinators
  • Bushy Mounded Form

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