Garden Plant: Royal Ann Cherry Tree

Royal Ann Cherry Tree Garden Plant

Royal Ann Cherry Tree

Product Description: Royal Ann Cherry Tree

Royal Ann Cherry Tree Order Options

Huge Sweet Cherries Royal Ann Cherry Tree

  • Mid-Season
  • 700 Chill Hours
  • Vigorous and Very Productive
  • Great for Fresh Eating
  • Wonderful Canning Variety
  • Attractive Tree
  • Also Known as Napoleon Bigarreau, Queen Anne and Napoleon Cherry
  • Cold Hardy
  • Urban Tolerant

It’s good to be royal. These pretty cherries are golden-yellow with a lovely red blush and they taste and smell just as sweet as they look.

Royal Ann Cherry Tree (Prunus avium \’Royal Ann’) has graced orchards for over 175 years! With firm flesh and a bright, sweet taste, this time-tested favorite has earned a spot in your backyard orchard.

These semi-dwarf Cherry trees grow with an upright form. Add in the gorgeous spring flower display, and the Royal Ann tree can be used as a lovely ornamental in its own right.

Site it anywhere in your edible landscape with pride. You’ll love having a big supply of homegrown sweet cherries for fresh eating.

Growers report harvesting up to 50 pounds of fruit, even from young trees. Luckily, blonde Royal Ann cherries are firm enough to withstand canning for enjoyment later in the season.

While Royal Ann cherries look like Rainier cherry variety, there are differences. Both are sweet Cherry trees, but Royal Ann is better suited for winter temperatures. They are also said to be more aromatic.

Cocktail gourmands can try their hand at making a healthier-and tastier-maraschino cherry with the large fruit. What a fun Christmas gift for your foodie friends!

Order Royal Ann from our expert growers today. They thrive across a wide range of the United States, and begin producing quickly.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Plant your Royal Ann in full sun with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Please give Cherry trees well-drained soil and good air circulation, too.

Choose a planting site that gets morning sun, if you can. The drying power of the morning sun quickly dries the foliage of morning dew to keep your plants healthy.

Allow your fruiting trees to grow to their full height and spread, if you have the room. Plant 12 feet apart from pollination partners.

Or, you can choose to prune fruiting trees to keep them under 10 feet tall. Plan to prune your trees each summer for size control. Decide on the height and spread you want, and tip prune to keep them at that size.

Trees that are summer pruned can be grown 5 feet apart on center. Measure from trunk to trunk. Watch our YouTube channel for more information on proven backyard orchard culture techniques. Order the beloved Royal Ann Cherry tree from us today!

Recommended pollinators: Van, Stella, Black Tartarian

Royal Ann Cherry Tree Order Options