Garden Plant: Roguchi Clematis

Roguchi Clematis Garden Plant

Roguchi Clematis

Product Description: Roguchi Clematis

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Intemse Color and Amazing Fragrance

Clematis Roguchi is a newer Japanese Clematis which features unusual 2″ bell shaped flowers of intense deep blue/purple with lighter blue recurved petals.

This lax clinger is very fragrant and free flowering. Very long blooming from June thru September. Clematis \’Roguchi’ is a weaver, so it doesn’t need a formal support; it grows through and among surrounding plants.

Clematis is easy to grow in a rich, porous, alkaline soil with plenty of room for the roots to spread. Prune lightly above the new leaf buds in early spring and remove any dead or weak stems. Best performance on the Clematis Roguchi is when the tops are in full sunlight and the roots are shaded, so apply generous mulch or a shallow-rooted ground cover near the base of the vine.

Clematis \’Roguchi’ is a very reliable performer once established: it takes a season or two!

Regarded as the best of all bell shaped bloomers, plant Clematis \’Roguchi’ close by so you can enjoy the lovely shape and intense color of the flowers!

* Small Dark Blue Bell Flowers
* Superb Fragrance
* Blooms All Summer

Roguchi Clematis Order Options