Garden Plant: Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir Tree

Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir Tree Garden Plant

Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir Tree

Product Description: Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir Tree

Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir Tree Order Options

Big enough for big sky country!

You know that solid wood table you coveted at that shop in Denver? Or that beautiful barn that was built in 1910 in Idaho you saw in that magazine last week? What about that new flooring in your friend’s home? That classy wooden boat your neighbor just bought? Your brother-in-law’s new two story deck? The plywood you used to build your daughters playhouse last Christmas. Heck, even the tree the Grinch took when he stole Christmas?

All of them – Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca).

This is the tree that built the West and is the tree that ¾ of the milled wood in America comes from today. It quickly grows straight and tall and in wet soil or dry. You know a tree that has been that tested and found true to support an entire logging industry for hundreds of years will serve you well in your home landscape!

Native to the western USA, it naturally grows into the classic pyramidal Christmas tree shape and size when it’s young, but with time can reach a massive 50 to 70 feet tall – up to 130 feet if grown in the wild.

Ranchers and farmers use it as a windbreak on their big properties. You can too! Or try it as a solid foundation plant or to fill in that corner in the backyard that’s just bare fence right now.

This is a classic tree that is completely trouble-free, has that great pine-tree smell and those cool pine cones you can use for decorations or bonfires. This is the tree you need right now. Give us a call!

* Simple to grow
* Beautiful evergreen color
* Great hedge or windbreak
* Drought, pest and disease resistant

Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir Tree Order Options