Garden Plant: Red Lake Currant

Red Lake Currant Garden Plant

Red Lake Currant

Product Description: Red Lake Currant

Red Lake Currant Order Options

Ornamental Shrub with Edible Fruit

Red Lake Currant is a cultivar that is grown for its outstanding fruit production. It’s also a lovely little shrub that would look great as an understory plant in part shade, or perhaps along a small shed or garage.

The Red Lake Currant is a compact, rounded deciduous shrub. The lobed green leaves give your shrub a full, vibrant appearance and if you crush a leaf between your fingers You’ll enjoy the appealing scent that is emitted.

Tiny yellow flowers will bloom on your Red Lake Currant in the spring, but they’re generally unnoticeable. What you will notice however, are the long clusters of large, red berries that follow in July.

However, your Red Lake Currant truly shines in its fruit production. High in Vitamin C and antioxidants, Red Currants are deliciously tart and suitable for many uses. Gently run your hands along the long strands and the berries will easily pop off and flow into your bucket, they’re that easy to harvest! Use your currents for pies, preserves, wine; or freeze some for later use.

The Red Lake Currant is a grand little shrub with superb fruit production. Even if you don’t harvest the fruit yourself, the crimson berries provide stunning contrast against the aromatic green leaves, and the wildlife will love them.

  • Ornamental Shrub
  • Fragrant Tiny Flowers
  • Red, Easy To Pick Berries
  • Healthy, Juicy Fruit

Red Lake Currant Order Options