Garden Plant: Red Crape Myrtle
Product Description: Red Crape Myrtle
Colorful, Hardy Ornamental Red Crape Myrtle
- Year-Round Color
- Widely Adapted
- Drought Tolerant
- Bright Red Blooms
- Decorative Trunk
Splash out with a colorful addition to your summer landscape. The Red Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica \’rubra’) is a widely adapted deciduous plant that provides brilliant color in your yard.
Crape Myrtle Trees are known for a wide range of colors and sizes. But did you know that the Red Crape Myrtles are by far the most popular? People across the country in Zones 6 – 10 just love the bright blooms of this variety.
Crape Myrtle will dazzle you with its amazing structure and clusters of crimson red flowers that appear as fiery plumes at the tips of its branches all summer long from July to September. These small trees are actually sometimes referred to as “Crepe Myrtle” because the texture of the robust flower heads look like crinkled crepe-paper!
In the springtime, it leaves out with its small glossy green leaves that then transition into a verdant green that endures throughout the summer months. However, as the vivid red blossoms set, the foliage is lost under the beautiful heavy display of red blooms.
When fall arrives, its leaves transform into brilliant reds and yellows and shades of orange for a gorgeous display. Finally, after the leaves drop, the trunk’s clean, sturdy appearance visually carries the tree through the winter. Smooth, tan-gray bark really adds to the year-round appeal of the Red Crape Myrtle.
Place your order for this popular specimen tree today!
How to Use Red Crape Myrtle in the Landscape
This plant is very adaptable and versatile. It will thrive in many soil types and climate conditions. You’ll also be able to grow it as a single trunk patio tree or as a multi-trunk accent feature specimen. You can even leave the lower branches on to encourage a solid, shrubby screen.
Really, it’s impossible to go wrong with this variety. It will look great any way you care to use it. Red Crape Myrtles can be pruned to any size, so they work in any lot size in almost any location.
Use one as a standout for a prime focal point in the yard. Or, plant several massed together along the fence as an amazing background splash of color.
Plant in groupings of 3, 5 or 7 trees in a curved bed to create a marvelous privacy screen for your deck or patio. You’ll love the way it lavishly brightens up your events and backyard bar-be-ques!
The low maintenance makes them an ideal choice for a container plant. Simply plant in a large decorative container with plenty of drainage holes. Use a standard potting mix and water regularly to enjoy the beauty of the Red Crape Myrtle. Place the containers strategically to block afternoon sun and shield your party from neighbors or unsightly views. Easy-peasy high style!
The wonderful red blooms would contrast deliciously against an indigo blue glazed ceramic container. Try crisp white Chippendale-style or cast iron containers as a perfect foil to allow the shrub to take center stage. Or try a sophisticated tonal combination of natural terra cotta with this variety.
Pro Plant Tips for Care
Red Crape Myrtles tolerate a wide range of soils, from heavy clay to loam, as long as the drainage is good. It’s critical to choose a location with well-drained soil, or You’ll need to plan to amend with soil conditioners.
Plant them in full sun with at least 8 hours of direct sunlight. Always select a planting location that favors early morning sun, as this will help to quickly dry the leaves off from any overnight dew.
Red Crape Myrtle is a top choice where responsible water use is a concern, as it will become drought tolerant once it’s established in your yard. You’ll see these quite often in drier climates as medium strip trees because of their moderate height and low maintenance needs. The Red Crape Myrtles are approved by many cities and municipalities for parking lots and planting strips, where they adapt to the harshness of the city environments. This means it will work for you in your yard!
The Red Crape Myrtle has something to offer whatever the season, and it will certainly offer you enjoyment for years to come. Order yours today.