Garden Plant: Purple Pony Plum Tree

Purple Pony Plum Tree Garden Plant

Purple Pony Plum Tree

Product Description: Purple Pony Plum Tree

Purple Pony Plum Tree Order Options

Compact Fruitless Purple Pony Plum Tree

  • Small Accent Tree
  • Dark Purple Leaves
  • Color Won’t Fade
  • Fruitless
  • Ideal for Small Yards
  • Cold Hardy

Home owners across the country have fallen in love with dwarf Purple Pony (Prunus cerasifera \’Purple Pony’). This cute tree is a very dependable accent with abundant, shell pink flowers in the early spring.

The beautiful, single pale pink blooms are followed by the deep purple foliage. This foliage color does not fade, discolor, dull or go green. It stays glistening, vivid and dark red all through the heat of summer.

With smaller yards, the need for dwarf accent trees has never been greater. The ornamental value of the Purple Pony is outstanding. It stays small and has a wonderful shape in the landscape.

This tree stays nice and tidy, too. It features a compact, uniform canopy that won’t require much pruning to shape it. You can plant it and enjoy it, knowing it won’t give you trouble.

And Purple Pony Plum has been observed since 1962. It is considered sterile. Because it doesn’t produce fruit, it won’t mess up the yard, walkway, or driveway. It is a wonderful Flowering Plum that is non-fruiting tree.

The delightful characteristics of the Purple Pony Plum make it a must have for today’s landscape. This is a fine selection that will be enjoyed in the yard for many years to come.

How to Use Purple Pony Plum in the Landscape

With lot sizes shrinking, the dwarf Purple Pony Plum is the perfect tree to add a spot of brilliance throughout the yard with little extra effort. From the light pink blooms, to the gorgeous leaves all season, you can use this as a small anchor tree for garden beds.

With its attractive shape, it’s dressy enough for front yard plantings. Try this as a single specimen at the corner of your house, or plant one on either side of your front door.

You’ll love the look of a long, straight row of individual Purple Pony Plum trees lining a driveway. A hedge row would also work beautifully as a long backdrop along the back fence of a property. This is a beautiful way to add height to existing fence.

The uniform growth of the trees gives a consistent look in these applications. For individual trees, plant them 10 to 12 feet apart. You’ll measure from the trunk of one to the trunk of the next.

For a hedgerow, where the branches will grow together and touch, shorten the planting distance to 8 to 10 feet between each trunk.

You can leave the lower branches growing low on the trunk for a beautiful specimen or privacy screen. You’ll gain more blooms in spring and a gorgeous foliage display.

Or, limb up any low branches back to the trunk if You’d like to use it as a small shade tree. You’ll gain more room under the canopy. Just imagine you and a friend in a pair of comfy chairs and a pitcher of lemonade or cocktails. How fun!

A pretty tree like this can also be used to create walls of garden rooms. Carve out a special place for yourself in your yard.

Purple Pony Plum can be used in unlimited ways in the landscape. This is truly the ideal accent tree for the limited lots size of today’s average size urban properties.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

While this tree tolerates a wide range of soil types, it does require good drainage. Where poor drainage is suspected, plant the Purple Pony on a mound or raised bed 12 to 18 inches above the soil line.

The Purple Pony shows good disease resistance, has a sterile flower (so it will not produce fruit) and has become very popular the colder zones of USDA 5 and 6.

Light pruning is best done in fall, winter or summer. You won’t want to miss any of the flowers, after all.

Plant it in full sun, or in partial sun where it will get afternoon shade. Give it regular watering to get it established in your yard. Once it’s become established, it can tolerate periodic drought.

People are searching for these beautiful young trees. If you see it in stock, please place your order today!

Purple Pony Plum Tree Order Options