Garden Plant: Prairie Dream Paper Birch

Prairie Dream Paper Birch Garden Plant

Prairie Dream Paper Birch

Product Description: Prairie Dream Paper Birch

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Flowers That Remain in Position When Twisted on the Stem!

Pink Manners Obedient Plant, Physostegia virginiana \’Pink Manners’, produces flowers that have long spikes in four neat vertical rows, and begin opening from the bottom up!The lovely pink flowers truly stand out against the strong stemmed dark green glossy foliage.

In midsummer, pale pink to white buds open to lavender pink flowers with white throats.

\’Pink Manners’ is well-behaved and has a clumping habit. It earned its common name because you can bend the individual flowers in any direction you like – a nice feature for floral displays. \’Pink Manners’ has flowers that remain in position when twisted on the stem!No staking is required on this new strictly upright, strong stemmed, clump forming perennial.

Plant this beautiful \’Pink Manners’ in beds, borders and cut flower gardens. This plant prefers moist soil high in organic matter and requires average but consistent watering. \’Pink Manners’ needs a full sun area but will tolerate some afternoon shade, in well-drained soil. It is also deer resistant

Use \’Pink Manners’ in borders, mixed plantings, massed plantings (especially to separate other colors), in large containers or as cut flowers. You will find \’Pink Manners’ a delight in the garden with its summer-long display of lovely lavender pink flowers and clean, upright and strong stemmed foliage!

* Long Spikes of Pink Flowers
* Deer Resistant
* Makes a Great Cut Flower

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