Garden Plant: Pink Fascinator Coneflower

Pink Fascinator Coneflower Garden Plant

Pink Fascinator Coneflower

Product Description: Pink Fascinator Coneflower

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An Elegant Topper for Your Summer Garden!

You may not have known what to call it, but You’ve seen it. Those fashionable pins that ladies wear in their hair in London for the Queen’s birthday or the ladies in Kentucky wear for the Derby when a hat is just too much? Those are called Fascinators.

When the Pink Fascinator Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea \’Pink Fascinator ppaf) burst on the scene, it made just as much a fashion statement as one of those elegant pins.

The petals are a deep hot raspberry with a high mounding center cone to match. Birds, butterflies and bees can’t stay away from these beauties. The flowers keep coming all summer and, if deadheaded, well into fall. They stay upright, even in the rain, and keep to themselves in a tidy clump.

Like all Echinacea’s, Pink Fascinator is a tough plant that doesn’t mind the heat and is drought resistant. It thrives in well-drained average garden soil – no pampering needed.

These are stand-outs for your garden, whether your style is cottage, prairie or contemporary. They look best in groups of three or more, so order plenty!

  • Bright pink flowers with huge central cones
  • Strong flowering
  • Attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies
  • Great for summer and fall interest

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