Garden Plant: Pink Double Delight Coneflower

Pink Double Delight Coneflower Garden Plant

Pink Double Delight Coneflower

Product Description: Pink Double Delight Coneflower

Pink Double Delight Coneflower Order Options

Double Bubbles

The Echinacea \’Pink Double Delight’, Echinacea purpurea, has a shorter, more compact habit than most coneflowers. A profusion of bright bubblegum pink, pompon-like, double flowers are produced on strong, well-branched stems from midsummer through early fall!

The large 3 inch flowers are long-lasting, turning lavender pink as they age. Flowers are consistently double and are double right away upon blooming. The stems are sturdy and numerous for a full appearance in containers and in the garden; shorter than Razzmatazz and Double Decker.

Pink Double Delight is known for its large flower heads that turn to seed in the fall. A great choice for cut flowers adding a wilderness look to your garden.

\’Pink Double Delight’ usually reblooms without deadheading, but if spent flowers are removed, this procedure will encourage continued beautiful blooms and improves general appearance.

The fall seeds provide winter food for birds. You can enjoy the dried seed heads because they will provide architectural interest in the winter. \’Pink Double Delight’, will give you weeks of delicious color and makes a dependable and lovely plant for any sunny garden spot!

  • Large 3″ Pink Double Pom Pom Like Flowers
  • Blooms Summer Through Fall
  • Small and Well Branched

Pink Double Delight Coneflower Order Options