Garden Plant: Pin Oak Tree
Product Description: Pin Oak Tree
Popular Pin Oak Fast-Growing Shade Tree
- Dark Green Leaves in Summer
- Brilliant Red Fall Display
- Hardy and Adaptable
- Important Wildlife Tree in Food Forests
- Can Tolerate Wet Soil
- Native to North America
One of the most popular Northern Oaks, the Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) is a fast-growing shade tree, especially while young. Pin Oak grows about 24 inches a year and becomes an elegant shade tree.
The Pin Oak has a lot of admirable qualities, but honestly. That incredible fall color pretty much seals the deal, doesn’t it? The gleaming dark green leaves of summer turn a deep range of russet, bronze, and barn red.
Pin Oak tree in autumn works so beautifully as an accent for harvest season.
You’ll love the Pin Oak’s leaves larger, U-shaped opening between the lobes and bristle tips. This distinguishes it from other Northern Oak trees and grants it a unique appearance.
The summer leaves cast a dense, delicious shade. As beautiful as the Pin Oak tree is all summer long, autumn brings even more appeal. The Pin Oak tree is highly prized for its brilliant fall display of red and deep-bronze color. The outstanding color lasts for nearly a month.
After fall color, the Pin Oaks leaves will persist on the tree often through winter unless blown off by heavy winter storms. Like all Oaks, the bark is particularly attractive.
The Pin Oak has a significant presence in the landscape, especially in winter. The highest branches are held upright. Below that, the thick middle branches are horizontal, and the lowest branches hang down, sweeping away from the trunk. Over time, the downturned lower branches become pendulous and will sway in the slightest breeze.
Of special note are the tough little branchlets that cover the limbs. Farmers used these branchlets to pin together the beams of their barns. Hence, the name Pin Oak.
In America today, the Pin Oak trees remains one of the most popular Oak trees. It’s used for street trees to shade an avenue. Lower limbs are kept pruned back to the main trunk for street trees.
Urban tree planners use Pin Oaks to create grove settings in parks. Forestry teams use them in diversified plantings. Of course, they are also a popular shade tree for the home landscape.
It’s a good idea to give this wonderful tree enough elbow room to grow into the magnificent, tall specimen it wants to be. Choose a sunny spot for Pin Oak tree and You’ll be amazed how quickly it graces your home with shade and beauty.
How to Use Pin Oak Tree in the Landscape
The Pin Oak tree is one of the most popular of the Northern Oaks. No wonder! It is prized for the beauty of its symmetrical pyramid shape and its incredible fall color.
It would look great as a central focal point in your yard. Or, consider planting one on the south or west side of your home to provide relief from the summer sun.
Give it plenty of room to spread out to appreciate its shape and form. In a large landscape, consider running a row along a fence. Or, plant a row on either side of a long driveway for a marvelous arrival experience at your property. Plant them 18 feet apart on center, measuring from trunk to trunk.
If we tell you that one of the nicknames for this tree is Swamp Oak, can you imagine where you may be able to utilize it? Rain Gardens are a great place to showcase this tree. You’ll capture and filter rainwater runoff in a beautiful way with Pin Oak in the Mesic – or Middle Zone.
After roughly 20 years, the Pin Oak produces an annual crop of small, round brown acorns with a thin cap that are eagerly eaten by a wide variety of animals. Watch as Mallard and Wood ducks take a break from their fall migration to visit the tree. Deer, Wild Turkeys and Squirrels may also stop in to provide a show for your enjoyment.
You’ll draw wildlife by planting this tree in your food plot. Acorns are edible for humans, too. They must be carefully processed to remove tannins and should not be eaten raw. A site in full sun is best for canopy grown and acorn mast production.
Pro Plant Tips for Care
Little or no maintenance is needed to the Pin Oak once it is established. When young, prune up lower limbs to create space and keep limbs off the ground.
The adaptable Pin Oak is adapted to a wide range of soil types and can tolerate of wet soils and brief periods of drought. Even if you have poor soil, the Pin Oak will thrive. as long as the pH is under 6. 5. Feed it Dr. Earth Acid Lover’s Organic and Natural Premium Fertilizer in early spring and mid-summer.
With shallow, fibrous root systems, the Pin Oak is tolerant of transplanting. It needs plenty of summer water. In times of extreme heat, give it extra water. It is found on Firescaping plant lists throughout the Midwest.
Order this magnificent American treasure today!