Garden Plant: o’Henry Peach Tree

o'Henry Peach Tree Garden Plant

o’Henry Peach Tree

Product Description: o’Henry Peach Tree

o'Henry Peach Tree Order Options

Great Tasting Late-Season o’Henry Peach

  • Late Season
  • Long Shelf Life
  • Yellow Freestone Peach Has Red Skin
  • Superb Flavor According to Taste Tests
  • Good Fresh Eating Peach
  • Unique Sweetness when Firm
  • Long Hang Time Makes for Convenient Picking
  • Strong, Vigorous Heavy Bearing Tree

Peach lovers adore the fantastic fruit of o’Henry Peach Trees (Prunus persica \’o’ Henry’). These lovely trees grow best in a sunny location and are just as pretty as a picture.

Why not plant yours within view of a patio or window? You’ll enjoy watching your tree progress through the seasons each year.

o’Henry was considered a breakthrough in the commercial marketplace. With ripe fruit that was almost entirely red, it was a standout from the yellow and blushed red common commercial peach varieties of the time. It also featured an almost fuzz-less skin, and a sweet taste when the fruit is still firm.

This crunchy, sweet flavor of the o’Henry peach was an exciting treat for both fresh eating and storage. No wonder demand for this variety soared into the wildly popular demand that continues today.

A strong, vigorous, heavy-bearing and self-fruitful tree, the o’Henry Peach is often selected for its durability. Because of Its firmness, the fruit is an excellent choice for long-term storage.

o’Henry Peaches are large, firm and only slightly fuzzy compared to other peach varieties, ready for harvest late in the season. Even the outer appearance of this peach is marvelous, an exquisite contrast to the green foliage as the ruby-red globes dangle among the branches.

Overall, the o’Henry Peach is a tasty, high-quality and reliable peach with just a hint of vanilla. By the 1980s, the o’Henry was planted throughout the West and Northwest with a high degree of success, and can be found at Farmer’s Markets regularly. Grow your own at home with top-grade plants from us.

How to Use o’Henry Peaches

Characterized by yellow-fleshed, semi-freestone fruit streaked with red hues, these peaches are as sweet and juicy as you could expect them to be. o’Henry Peaches are perfect for eating right off of your tree, while they’re still warm from the sun’s rays.

They also keep quite well on the kitchen counter… or if you prefer, they can be canned, dehydrated-even frozen for future use.

Plant an early ripening variety like Red Haven and a mid-season variety like White Lady Peach, to get 4 months worth of Peaches to enjoy.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Knowing when to pick the fruit can be a challenge, as the o’Henry will color early when not quite ready. In the home garden, this is not a problem because the hang time is long. The flavor just continues to get better until it falls from the tree. It never loses that unique crunch you love so much.

Don’t use color to determine ripeness, rather feel the fruit for a slight “give” to the skin which indicates that it is ready to pick. Only pick what you need, as the remaining fruit just continues to get sweeter.

All peach trees can be maintained to any height with regular summer pruning. Choose a height and don’t let the tree get any taller, 6 to 8 feet is ideal for most home gardens.

Plant in a full sun location, preferably one that has early morning sun exposure that has good drainage. Mound or plant in a raised bed if poor drainage is suspected. Mulch your tree with 3 to 4 inches of mulch spread out 3 feet from the outside of the canopy.

You’ll love having these healthy snacks available at your fingertips. Order this popular variety for your own backyard orchard from the expert growers today!

o'Henry Peach Tree Order Options