Garden Plant: Northwind Switch Grass
Product Description: Northwind Switch Grass
Prairie Proud
The Switch Grass \’Northwind’, Panicum virgatum \’Northwind’, is a very erect form and tolerates some snow load.
The yellow flowers are golden during autumn. The foliage is deep green during the growing season turning golden in the fall.
The wide, thick leaf blades are a bit more substantial than those of the other blues. \’Northwind’ grass was one of the many important tall-grasses that covered the U. S. prairies.
It is a versatile grass as it tolerates a wide range of soil and climatic conditions. This grass makes excellent background plants, and since this grass tolerates moist soils, it is a fine choice for water gardens or along stream banks.
\’Northwind’ prefers full sun, and moist, fertile soil; however, the plant will tolerate sand, heavy clay, dry slopes and boggy areas.
This grass spreads quickly or slowly by rhizomes, depending on growing conditions. \’Northwind’ is a native grass and it is tough! Use it in your landscape as a vertical accent, in a mixed border, or as border hedge. This popular plant always sells out fast! Order yours now!
- 6\’ Upright Deep Green Foliage
- Foliage and Flowers Turn Golden in Autumn
- Tolerates Snow Load and Grows Anywhere