Garden Plant: Marina Strawberry Tree

Marina Strawberry Tree Garden Plant

Marina Strawberry Tree

Product Description: Marina Strawberry Tree

Marina Strawberry Tree Order Options

Many Stunning Features Marina Strawberry Tree

  • Lovely Broad-Leaved Evergreen
  • Beautiful, Dark Green Foliage
  • Gorgeous, Pink Flowers Hang in Drooping Clusters
  • Cute, Red Fruit is Edible
  • Outstanding Bark
  • Use as Tree or Large Shrub
  • Water-Wise and Drought Tolerant
  • Elegant Urn-Shaped Habit
  • Salt-Tolerant
  • Use for Firescaping and as a Windbreak
  • Grows in Any Soil

The charming Marina Strawberry Tree (Arbutus x \’Marina’) is a favorite of garden designers and urban planners. You’ll see it used in upscale home landscapes, and ultra-modern commercial campuses.

It performs beautifully on the West Coast. This unique tree’s compact size makes it ideal for use near your patio or windows, where you can clearly see it from inside your home.

This small, broad-leaved evergreen garden tree possesses a low canopy of rich, green leaves. The tree provides a lush, attractive green accent for your landscape.

In the fall and winter months, the main flush of flowers delivers a showy burst of color. The tree is covered in pendulous clusters of beautiful, rosy-pink flowers.

Enjoy smaller flushes of flowers year-round. They even continue to bloom alongside the developing red and yellow fruit.

This ornamental, edible fruit is best used in cooking, and in smoothies to add fiber and a mild, well-balanced flavor. You may find the textured, red fruit is your favorite ornamental attribute, even more so than the flowers!

Even the deep cinnabar bark is gorgeous. It is known to peel away and expose shiny, red bark underneath.

Every part of this tree adds a wonderful ornamental attribute, from the showy flowers, to the strawberry-like fruits, and amazing bark.

Grow this compact, broad-leaved evergreen as a tree or large shrub. Marina Strawberry tree works in many different applications in the landscape.

This is a great tree for firescaping, which is getting to be a more and more important consideration in the arid West. It’s also salt-tolerant, so it is used as a windbreak near the coast.

It stays compact, which means that this desirable tree works well on today’s smaller lots. Marina Strawberry tree offers four seasons of interest, and is a versatile and useful selection.

Order from our expert growers today!

How to Use Marina Strawberry Tree in the Landscape

Use in any high-profile, sunny and dry location with complete success. This is a plant worthy of highlighting in your landscape. Add a floodlight that shines up the trunk to show off the beauty of the trunk, the flowers, and the fruit at night.

Look around your town for examples. You’ll see them planting in groves on University campuses. Designers use dozens of these trees in informal clusters and double rows as allee?s.

They make marvelous specimen trees in coffee-house courtyards. Marina Strawberry Tree also line the streets of quaint little villages and town squares.

Plant this small, showy, ornamental tree where it can be seen and appreciated. Try them alongside a front drive or flanking either side of a grand front entrance. They make a terrific backdrop to a mixed shrub or perennial border.

Create a privacy screen by planting it in tight groups. Block out unsightly views with a 10 feet on center planting pattern. Measure from the center of one to the center of the next.

Prune off the lower limbs to train it as a single trunked tree, or allow it to develop as a multi-trunked tree. You can also forgo pruning altogether and grow it as a large shrub.

Any way you choose to use it, Marina Strawberry tree is gorgeous in all seasons. Enjoy!

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Plant in full sun to a partial shade location. It will need at least 4 hours of direct sunlight a day, and the more sun, the better.

Give regular water to establish young trees in their first few seasons. Once the roots are established, the trees become quite self-sufficient. Provide occasional watering during the summer months to keep the tree from stressing, so it can continue to bloom and produce fruit.

The Marina Strawberry Tree was named after the Marina district of San Francisco. The tree appears to be a hybrid of the standard Arbutus species (Arbutus unedo, which has been cultivated for centuries in the Mediterranean region and Western Europe) combined with Arbutus andrachne species.

The Marina Strawberry has similarities to our native Madrone tree (Arbutus menziesii), but the \’Marina’ variety is much more adaptable to various growing conditions and is easier to grow in cultivation.

Add this beauty to your firescaping plan for an elegant touch, with it’s lovely flowers and bark. You’ll relish the fun pop of whimsy from the quirky, red fruit.

Marina Strawberry Tree Order Options