Garden Plant: Jubilation Gardenia

Jubilation Gardenia Garden Plant

Jubilation Gardenia

Product Description: Jubilation Gardenia

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Cold Hardy, Re-blooming Gardenia

  • Impressive Flowers
  • Re-Bloomer
  • Great for Containers

Jubilation Gardenia, Gardenia jasminoides \’Leeone’, is a flowering, evergreen shrub. One would look spectacular just about anywhere in your yard, but placing one near a door or window ensures You’ll enjoy its exquisite fragrance all summer long.

Your Jubilation Gardenia is as spectacular a plant as You’ve come to expect of Gardenias, but with some added features. This fabulous Gardenia variety features a heavy bloom in spring of pristine white, waxy-petaled blooms. Unlike some other varieties, Jubilation Gardenia provides a re-bloom throughout the summer and into fall.

The delicate beauty of the flowers is only enhanced by the incredible scent, a heavy jasmine-like fragrance that is so intense it carries on the slightest breeze, and really must be experienced to be believed! As if these sterling attributes weren’t enough, Gardenia Jubilation is also cold hardy, so if you thought your climate precluded you from having a Gardenia, this variety may be for you.

Jubilation Gardenia has a full, compact nature that is upright and rounded, and is a relatively easy plant to care for. Jubilation has a moderate to fast growth rate, and among Gardenias, it is considered cold hardy. It doesn’t require any pruning, but is amenable to it if you so desire.

No other plant truly compares to a Gardenia, and Jubilation is an outstanding variety among them. Incomparable flowers and fragrance, along with a re-blooming nature and cold hardiness, all combine to make Jubilation Gardenia an outstanding choice for your yard this summer.

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