Garden Plant: Ivory Silk Lilac Tree
Product Description: Ivory Silk Lilac Tree
Huge, Gorgeous Blooms Ivory Silk Lilac Tree
- Gigantic, Creamy White Flowers
- Fabulous Fragrant Blooms
- Cold Hardy
- Low Maintenance
- Attracts Hummingbirds and Butterflies
Looking for something different that stands out in your neighborhood? You are probably familiar with Lilac shrubs, but here is a new twist for you. Ivory Silk Lilac Tree (Syringa reticulata \’Ivory Silk’) grows much taller and wider than other Lilacs. It still has fragrant blooms, but in a Super-Size version.
If you love Lilacs, but need to make a bigger impact, try the Ivory Silk Lilac Tree. This is not the flowering shrub, but a small tree that bears huge, foot-long flower panicles in late June.
Add this small tree to your Lilac collection and extend the season of bloom well after other Lilacs have finished. Delicate, creamy white flower bunches perfume your entire garden in early summer with a fresh, sweet scent. What a treat!
Even after the blooms pass, You’ll appreciate the refreshing shade from the large leaves. You’ll know at a glance that this is a very special type of Lilac. Through the summer, Ivory Silk Lilac Tree will be densely covered in beautiful, dark green leaves, such a refreshing sight in the height of summer heat.
You’ll also be able to enjoy this deciduous tree after it drops its leaves because of the attractive, reddish brown bark. In the fall and winter, the dark red bark really adds an interesting dimension and texture to your landscape.
Northern gardeners who are on the lookout for a special accent tree should strongly consider this magnificent, fragrant Lilac Tree variety. Be prepared for compliments and questions from curious neighbors and passerby’s.
And best of all? You’ll have no worries with this tree, it’s easy care and low maintenance. Even for beginning gardeners, this tree is cold hardy and trouble free.
Ivory Silk Lilac Tree can withstand temperatures as low as 30 degrees below zero. It is the hardiest and most trouble free Lilac available, especially for Northern climates.
How to Use Ivory Silk Lilac Tree in the Landscape
This is a versatile tree for hardiness Zones 3 – 7. Known as an improved Japanese Tree Lilac, it blooms more heavily than other Lilac varieties and flowers later in the season. You’ll love extending your Lilac season with this marvelous selection.
Use it as a lawn tree in small yards or feature it as an ornamental feature focal point in a garden border. Keep the lower branches trimmed up to maintain the tree form.
If you need privacy – but don’t want to feel like you live in a fortress – try planting a long row along your fence. They’ll make a fabulous privacy screen for you during the growing season. Simply let the lower branches grow in at the bottom of the trunk. The lower branches will then fill in, and the plant will develop into a very tall flowering large shrub.
Plant them 12 feet apart on center (measuring from trunk to trunk) to grow into a solid screen for you. We would advise planting them in a gentle “zig zag” or gentle curve for the most natural look. Plant them 12 feet away from the fence, so you can easily access the fence for repairs as needed.
No hardscaped fence is going to give you as much as 30 feet of green privacy. Have your friends and family over to swim, barbecue, hang out, or play yard games without the neighbors keeping score.
This tree also makes a wonderful street tree between the sidewalk and the road. It’s rugged enough to handle pollution and salt. Just watch out for traffic as the trees are in bloom. Yes, people will slow down to study these amazing blooms!
Pro Plant Tips for Care
The Ivory Silk Lilac Tree isn’t affected by soil pH, although we do recommend Root Booster sprinkled in the bottom of each planting hole. You’ll want to ensure the roots are able to take up nutrients from your soil over the life of your plant.
Ivory Silk Lilac Trees really prefer a planting site in full sun for the very best flowering. It will thrive in well-drained soils, so consider adding compost and soil conditioners if you have heavy clay soils that drain slowly. You can also “mound up” by adding a foot of fast-draining soil and planting into that raised soil.
Mulch over the root system to keep it moist and suppress weeds. If you are using it as a lawn tree, you might consider adding a small garden bed around the tree, as it will not like any high nitrogen lawn fertilizers near its root zone. This plant would be absolutely beautiful paired with Hosta perennials.
Water it well to establish it in your landscape the first season. After that, they become a bit more tolerant of drier conditions. However, is a good idea to water your plants deeply as the flower buds develop to make big full flower clusters. Give it water in periods of extreme heat
Whether You’re new to Lilacs or just want to add something different to your garden, the Tree Lilac is for you.