Garden Plant: Grateful Red Hydrangea

Grateful Red Hydrangea Garden Plant

Grateful Red Hydrangea

Product Description: Grateful Red Hydrangea

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Grateful Red Hydrangea is Not Available in Stores!

  • Totally Unique Red Flowers
  • Easy to Grow
  • Only Available Online!

we are proud to present this beautiful RED hydrangea! Grateful Red Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla \’McKRed’) is an introduction from Wisconsin’s McKay Nursery. It has all of the characteristics of your favorite garden hydrangeas – big leaves and even bigger blooms coming all summer long. It will even bloom well in partial shade.

With alkaline soils the flowers are a deep pink verging on red that is unlike any other hydrangea on the market. As autumn approaches the flowers turn a velvety lavender color that is eye-catching with the purple tint of the leaves. In acidic soils the flower will be of a darker purple color.

The Grateful Red Hydrangea will be the star of the sunnier or part shade area in your yard. Plant it where you can enjoy its unique coloration often as you walk by it. Make sure that you can reach it to cut the red blooms, too, because it will provide you with armfuls of flowers for your vases all season.

>The unique red flowers will blend well with white, blues, and yellows in your landscape. This plant will receive a lot of attention and makes a perfect focal point.

Grateful Red is very brilliantly colored red in regular neutral pH and at a lower pH you will get lavender flowers. The bloom on new wood and usually most all stems have a flower which is the amazing thing about this plant. The east side of a home is the absolute best… protection from afternoon heat but even in full sun as long as you keep it watered it will do beautifully in most parts of the country!

Remember that you can’t buy Grateful Red Hydrangea in any garden center, so make sure to reserve a few today before we run out of stock… again! This is a best seller and bound to be a superstar in your garden this year!

Grateful Red Hydrangea Order Options