Garden Plant: Golden Sweet Apricot

Golden Sweet Apricot Garden Plant

Golden Sweet Apricot

Product Description: Golden Sweet Apricot

Golden Sweet Apricot Order Options

One of The Finest Late Season Golden Sweet Apricot

  • Late Season
  • Sweet, Freestone Apricot
  • Self-Fertile
  • Dependable Crop Across Climates
  • Great as Ornamental Edible
  • Disease Resistant

The Golden Sweet Apricot Tree (Prunus armeniaca \’Golden Sweet’), as the name suggests, produces deliciously sweet and juicy fruit. It’s fast becoming the top choice for home gardeners who want to grow these healthy fruits.

It’s a marvelous producer, even in areas that have traditionally been a bit “iffy” for apricots in the past. Climate adaptability makes it possible to enjoy these wonderful superfoods across a wider growing area.

A late season fruiting variety, the taste of the exceptional sweet, firm fruit is outstanding. Golden Sweet is self-fertile but will You’ll get a larger harvest when other apricot trees are near.

Golden Sweet will ripen later than the average variety. It is fast gaining a reputation as a superb selection to round out the season. It ramps up production just as other apricots are slowing down. Plant it along with an earlier ripening variety, like Tomcot, to extend your harvest time to almost two months.

This variety can be used for pies and tarts, jams and preserves or cut it up into a fruit salad. The Golden Sweet is perfect for drying, as the flesh is dense and sweet. Try apricot halves in the dehydrator and then freeze them and enjoy this perfect snack for months to come. Of course, nothing beats eating an apricot fresh off the tree.

Experiencing your very own harvest is both empowering and exhilarating.

Golden Sweet Apricots in the Landscape

Apricots are typically considered one of the most ornamental of all the fruit tree types with a wide, mushroom shaped canopy. Apricots make a beautiful shade tree that is covered with pink-hued white blossoms in spring. The heart-shaped, glossy foliage has a romantic and very healthy appearance.

Use this tree as a focal point in your edible landscape. You’ll love watching your bountiful harvest come in.

The large fruit features bright orangey-red skin and a soft blush. The fruit makes a gorgeous accent against the vibrant, green leaves.

Apricots are so much fun to have in the yard. They’re not only pretty to look at but provide a harvest of fruits with vigorous, full-bodied flavor. The Golden Sweet Apricot will provide you with a sumptuous harvest of fruit that not only tastes delicious but is high in antioxidants. Golden Sweet apricots are an easy way to bring healthy, wholesome food direct from your garden to your family’s table.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Plant the Golden Sweet Apricot in a full sun location that receives at least 8 hours of sunlight or more. The tree will really appreciate morning sun.

Apricots also benefit from being in an area that gets good air movement, as well. The tree requires well drained soil. If you have poor drainage, be sure to mound additional dirt at least 18 to 24 inches above the soil line, and plant into that raised mound.

Apricots are a moderate water user and will benefit from being mulched well in the landscape. Provide a thick layer of at least 2 to 4 inches of mulch. Spread the mulch out 3 feet beyond the outside of the canopy of your tree. This helps to keep the roots cool in the hot summer and extend the time between watering by slowing surface evaporation.

Golden Sweet is self-fertile, but You’ll get more fruit if you plant other apricot trees nearby. The early season Tomcot would be the perfect pollinating partner for the Golden Sweet. Planting both the early Tomcot and late Golden Sweet means you can enjoy apricots for 2 months straight!

You can prune a Golden Sweet to any height. If this will be used only as a fruiting tree, it is recommended to keep the tree below 10 feet, preferably 6 to 8 feet. Use summer pruning to keep the tree’s size in check.

Apricots are so much fun to have in the yard. They’re not only pretty to look at but provide a harvest of small to medium sized fruits that are packed with a robust flavor. Golden Sweet is an excellent apricot tree that’s easy to enjoy. Order today!

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