Garden Plant: French Petite European Plum Tree

French Petite European Plum Tree Garden Plant

French Petite European Plum Tree

Product Description: French Petite European Plum Tree

French Petite European Plum Tree Order Options

Perfect Prunes French Petite European Plum Tree

  • Late Season
  • 800 Chill Hours
  • Create Sweet and Delicious Prunes
  • Gorgeous “Edible Ornamental” Tree
  • Wonderful Heritage Fruit Tree from Ancient French Orchard

A very popular variety for drying, French Petite European Plum Tree, (Prunus \’French Petite’) produces luscious,dark purple fruit. Enjoy the plums fresh from your beautiful tree, or carefully dry into very healthy prunes.

These special trees have a wonderful history, as well. In the mid-1800s, a scion of the Agen Plum French variety was brought to California from an ancient orchard in France. You might in fact hear this variety called the French Petite d’Agen.

This heritage variety produces medium size, blue to purple oval fruits with a shallow suture. You’ll notice a heavy bloom on the skin.

Prune plums contain enough natural sugar to dry in the sun without fermenting. The firm, golden flesh is also great for fresh eating and keeps well.

Try dehydrating them for a healthy snack on the go. They can be used in preserves, sauces and baked puddings, as well.

People have loved these ornamental trees in their home orchard for over 100 years. These trees are the “real deal” for prunes! Order today.

How to Use French Petite European Plum Tree in Landscape

Enjoy the delicious fruit, white flowers and gray-brown bark. This variety in particular is a stunning tree in its own right. Use it with pride anywhere in your landscape.

Allow it to reach its full height and spread, if you have the room. Plant at least 20 feet from structures and other plants. Measure from trunk to trunk.

Or, use backyard orchard culture to keep your trees smaller. Tip prune in summer for size control. You’ll enjoy a more manageable harvest.

Create a hedgerow with several other varieties. Expand your season of harvest with early and mid-season varieties. .

Pro Plant Tips for Care

Plant your Plum tree in full sun for the best fruiting. Ensure they receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. The more, the better!

Plums are adaptable to many soil types, including clay soils. However, they do require the soil to be well-drained and fertile.

Improve your drainage by elevating your planting bed. Heap an additional mound of soil 18 inches high by 3 feet wide. Plant directly in that mound.

Prune to correct shape in late winter. If you want to keep your tree smaller for a more manageable harvest, prune for size control in summer.

This popular French variety is partially self fruitful. However, they always benefit from another European variety that blooms at the same time for best pollination.

French Improved, Mirabelle and Green Gage are both European Plums, so will pollinate your French Petite. However, the Japanese Plums are a separate type and will not pollinate.

Don’t miss one of life’s great pleasures. Order French Petite European Plum tree from the expert growers today.

French Petite European Plum Tree Order Options