Garden Plant: Fire Chief Arborvitae
Product Description: Fire Chief Arborvitae
Hardy Evergreen with Distinct Foliage
- Red-Tipped Evergreen
- Full Sun to Light Shade
- Naturally Rounded Form
- Attracts Wildlife as a Food Source
Fire Chief Arborvitae, (Thuja occidentalis \’Congabe’) is an evergreen plant that displays distinctive foliage coloration which is reddish at the tips when grown under full sun conditions.
When grown in shaded locations the foliage is more green in coloration. It has a rounded growth habit and good winter hardiness.
The Fire Chief Arborvitae is well suited for providing attractive and colorful ornamentation. It resists sun and winter burning.
Fire Chief Arborvitae provides food and shelter for wildlife. White-tailed deer, snowshoe hares, and porcupines heavily browse the foliage. Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soils in full sun.
Somewhat wide range of soil tolerance, but prefers moist, well-drained loams. Intolerant of dry conditions.
The Fire Chief Arborvitae is best in full sun, but generally appreciates some light afternoon shade in hot summer climates. You’ll want a Fire Chief Arborvitae in your garden. Order today!