Garden Plant: Fire Alarm Coral Bells

Fire Alarm Coral Bells Garden Plant

Fire Alarm Coral Bells

Product Description: Fire Alarm Coral Bells

Fire Alarm Coral Bells Order Options

Hot, Hot, Hot!

Add more than a spark of color to your garden. Add Fire Alarm Coral Bells (Heuchera villosa \’Fire Alarm’ PP24,525) and set your borders and beds ablaze!

Fire Alarm’s wide leaves and strong stems are the deepest red available in the rainbow of colors that coral bells offer. The color is sharpest in the spring and the fall and only mellows a little bit in the summer. The red leaves are striking with deep green companions but for a real eye-popper try it with lime green heucheras or lemon yellow cypress (or even all three together!).

Coral Bells are native to the southern U. S. and thrive under deciduous trees, but perform well in both sunny beds and shady borders. In summer Fire Alarm crowns itself with spikes of pink, bell-shaped flowers that are great to cut for ephemeral summer bouquets. Imagine a full bed of Fire Alarm Coral Bells in a molten river of color under your favorite tree or winding beside your patio or porch.

In mild climates, Fire Alarm is “evergreen” and will give you great color year round.

Don’t waste your time on wimpy colors – go red-hot with Fire Alarm Heuchera!

* Striking red foliage
* Sun or shade
* Super easy care
* Evergreen in mild climates
* Very compact, perfect for containers

Fire Alarm Coral Bells Order Options