Garden Plant: Dynamite Crape Myrtle

Dynamite Crape Myrtle Garden Plant

Dynamite Crape Myrtle

Product Description: Dynamite Crape Myrtle

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Dynamite Crape Myrtle Cherry Red Blooms for Months

  • Deep Red Flowers
  • Blooms Last All Summer Long
  • Use as a Shrub or Small Tree
  • Exciting Fall Color
  • Gorgeous Bark Delivers Winter Interest
  • Grow in Containers
  • Resistant to Powdery Mildew
  • Widely Adaptable Across Hardiness Zones

If you want a true red flowering plant to brighten up your landscape, take a good long look at Dynamite Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica \’Whit Ii’\’Dynamite’). It effortlessly brings an explosion of long-lasting, cherry-red color to your landscape!

Easy care nature and dramatic good looks are paired in this very special variety. It was carefully selected to give the very best red color, improved disease resistance and drought tolerance. No wonder Dynamite is America’s #1 selling red Crape Myrtle!

Dynamite displays deep, cherry red blooms that emerge in large clusters. A unique crinkled crepe paper texture brings a delicacy to the overall look. The flower power starts in mid-summer and dazzles you until frost.

This plant literally blooms for months! Crape Myrtles may be the longest summer bloomer of all trees.

With Dynamite, even the foliage is showy. Red-tinted, oval leaves emerge in early spring which gives it a very distinct appearance. The leaves gradually turn a dark green before the summer bloom erupts with those deep, dark, true red blooms.

After a fantastic summer of blooms, you may see the autumn leaves turn a bright orange to red. The fall color display is dependent on the yearly temperatures during your season.

Cherish those cold fall days you experience in some years. They will boost Dynamite’s fall show for you! Get out there with your camera to capture the color in that lovely season.

Even after the leaves drop, the display is not over. Smooth-but mottled-bark showcases an attractive range of tan, gray and brown which covers the trunk and branches of the Dynamite Crape Myrtle. You’ll love the awesome winter appeal of this four-season ornamental plant.

Dynamite is a very popular choice in both home gardens and commercial landscapes for its ease of maintenance. They are ideally suited for either formal or informal design in the home landscape, as street plantings and in community plantings.

Order today and let the wonderful dark red bloom light up your world!

How to Use Dynamite Crape Myrtle in the Landscape

The versatile Dynamite Crape Myrtle can be used a zillion ways around the landscape. Try a single plant as an incredible specimen focal point or perfect accent tree.

Plant 3, 5 or 7 of them in a grove to create an instant woodland look, even in a small backyard! Vary the spacing a bit and clump a few closer together. Use a curving planting pattern for the most natural look.

Dynamite Crape Myrtles can be trained with pruning to be a single or a multi trunked tree by removing the lower lateral limbs from the main stems. Or, grow it as a privacy shrub and maintain the foliage to the ground.

Prune the lowest limbs up for a tree or leave them on for a shrub. Try both techniques in a mixed planting! The goal is to have fun and personalize your space.

Crape Myrtles make wonderful container plants. Plant Dynamite in a decorative container and enjoy them on your patio or by your pool.

Create a formal street planting with regularly spaced plants, pruned up to show off that lovely bark. Add a single specimen to accent a berm planting in the front yard, or as an anchor at the corner of a foundation planting.

You’ll also love these as shrubby, knockout screening privacy plants. Use a natural hedge to easily extend the height of a backyard fence. Or, keep it pruned to any height you wish and use just about anywhere.

When used for hedges or screen plants, plant them 4 to 5 feet apart on center. Measure from the center of one to the center of the next.

Enjoy the Dynamite Crape Myrtle as a single specimen plant or in a group. Mulch to cover the entire root system and underplant with groundcovers for an attractive, easy design solution.

There aren’t many flowering trees around that are this dynamic, with real red-red flowers that bloom summer through early fall, until frost. This plant is easy to grow and provides year-round appeal in the landscape.

Pro Plant Tips for Care

The Dynamite Crape Myrtle is adaptable to many different soil types and is resistant to powdery mildew. Plant in well-drained soil and elevate planting if poor drainage is suspected. It does best in warm, full sun areas, making a great choice in Southern and Western gardens.

This plant has a moderate to fast growth rate, so you ought to be pleased with its presentation quickly. Apply a slow-release fertilizer in early spring and again in mid-summer.

Because Crape Myrtles take very well to pruning, you can maintain your Dynamite to any height you desire. Want a low hedge? No problem. Want a naturalized mass planting? No problem.

Prune in the winter to remove twiggy growth and to shape and maintain height and width. If you allow it to naturalize as a shrub, it will require very little pruning or other care. Your yard, your time, your call.

Since its introduction in 1998 by Dr. Carl Whitcomb, a well-respected plant breeder from Stillwater Oklahoma, people have sought out this exciting variety.

If its just gotta be bold, bright, cheerful and colorful to make you happy, then Dynamite is your Crape Myrtle. Order yours today and enjoy!

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