Garden Plant: Drop Dead Red Rose

Drop Dead Red Rose Garden Plant

Drop Dead Red Rose

Product Description: Drop Dead Red Rose

Drop Dead Red Rose Order Options

Killer Red Rose

Imagine the little black dress. Long, genuine pearls. Shiny bobbed hair with a just a slight curl. Heck, go ahead and imagine long white gloves, too.

Now, tell me what color lipstick comes to mind?

That fabulous red that’s perfectly balanced between warm and cool tones? Yes, that’s the one.

If you are going with red roses, why not make it a real statement? Drop Dead Red (Rosa “WEKcharlie’) floribunda has style in spades. Showy, showy, showy!

And it’s not just the color, it’s the texture, too. Velvety, the way a rose should feel as you drag a single bloom across your cheek.

Here’s what it isn’t. Only mildly fragrant, so it won’t clash with your signature scent. 30 beautifully arranged petals per bloom, makes it a sleek, not fussy rose. Not meek. Not mild.

If you love red, You’ll adore this rose bush. Be sure to cut some of the glossy green foliage to really pop that color in your floral arrangements. We think You’ll be inspired by this floribunda rose.

Order today!

  • Incredible, Classic Red
  • Velvety Petals
  • Chic Double Blooms

Drop Dead Red Rose Order Options