Garden Plant: Coral Drift Groundcover Rose

Coral Drift Groundcover Rose Garden Plant

Coral Drift Groundcover Rose

Product Description: Coral Drift Groundcover Rose

Coral Drift Groundcover Rose Order Options

Incredibly Colorful Coral Drift Groundcover Rose

  • Charming Coral Colored Blossoms
  • Wonderful Compact Growing Habit
  • Extremely Disease Resistant
  • Superb Cold Hardiness
  • Attracts Pollinators
  • Great for Foundational Planting
  • Fantastic in Containers

Having the perfect rose garden is a dream most gardeners have. Oh, to have a bed filled with reds, pinks, whites, and purples. The only color missing is that coveted orange rose! Hard to find and impossible not to love once procured, we’re happy to present Coral Drift Groundcover Rose (Rosa \’Meidrifora’)

Known to be one of the hardiest roses on the market, cold climates are simply not a problem. You won’t have to worry about being in a region too hot or too cold for Coral Drift Groundcover to thrive!

Starting in the spring, this ambitious rose will bloom brilliantly pretty orange-pink blossoms. These perfectly complement the stunning deep green-bronze foliage underneath. Altogether this low to the ground shrub absolutely demands your attention.

Coral Drift Groundcover Rose is known for its extensive bloom period. It’ll start showing off its blooms in the spring and often won’t stop until fall. Sometimes even the first frost of the season won’t halt its beauty!

With all those eye-catching many-petaled blossoms, it’s no wonder pollinators like butterflies love stopping by! Their fluttering only adds to the brilliance of Coral Drift Groundcover.

Coral Drift Groundcover Rose is the answer to your low maintenance garden dreams. Order one or two today from our expert growers to complete your summer projects today!

How to Use Coral Drift Groundcover Rose in the Landscape

This specimen is a true groundcover rose. Staying quite low to the ground and keeping a handsome mounded form, Coral Drift Groundcover Rose acts as the perfect accent to your perennial or rose garden.

Of course, with those profuse coral colored blooms, it might also do well as a flower bed centerpiece! Since it’ll stay a nice, compact, size, you can plant Coral Drift Groundcover near the front of your garden without fear that it’ll grow to cover up your other delightful flowers behind it.

This rose absolutely shines is foundational planting. Do you have a particularly sunny side of your house that could use some sprucing up? Coral Drift Groundcover has you covered!

Perhaps consider planting along your driveway or pathway leading to your front door? Think about the fantastic first impression those bright sunset-colored blossoms will make on your guests!

Smaller gardens truly are this rose bushes specialty. City or small cottage gardens won’t be overcrowded with this little ever-blooming shrub! Plant a Coral Drift Groundcover in a blue or purple decorative pot and place on your deck or patio for a stunning accent!

If You’re looking to pair your Coral Drift Groundcover Rose with other perennials, it could contrast nicely with some deep purples or you could add to the sunset look with a few well-placed yellows and reds.

Counting the ways to use this versatile ground-hugging bush could take all day! You’re definitely going to want to add Coral Drift Groundcover Rose to your garden!

Pro Plant Tips for Care

We know, rose care can seem like a tricky task to tackle, but we promise this rose is as easy to care for as rose bushes come!

Coral Drift Groundcover Rose bushes, like others in the Drift series, are notoriously easy to maintain and extremely disease resistant! No need to worry about common rose ailments anymore!

Plant this lovely compact bush somewhere it can bask in the sun all day long for the best blooms! It’s a real sun lover. Making sure the soil is well draining is important as well!

Early each spring, after the last frost of the year has passed, it’s always a good idea to prune back Coral Drift Groundcover Rose at least six inches. Pruning roses allows for better, bushier, growth each year.

If You’d like, you can fertilize your Coral Drift Groundcover each spring. A slow-release or controlled-release fertilizer should do the trick and leave your shrub happier and healthier than ever.

Another helpful trick to keeping your plant thriving is by adding a layer of mulch around it. Not only will it help control the moisture level but it can make weeding much easier for you. Talk about the epitome of low-maintenance gardening!

Few rose bushes out there offer that stunning beauty with the incredible hardiness, disease resistance, and overall low-maintenance as the Coral Drift Groundcover rose. Whether You’re a gardening expert or just starting your rose bush collection, this shrub is for you! Order today!

Coral Drift Groundcover Rose Order Options