Garden Plant: Chamomile Tea Grow Kit

Chamomile Tea Grow Kit Garden Plant

Chamomile Tea Grow Kit

Product Description: Chamomile Tea Grow Kit

Chamomile Tea Grow Kit Order Options

Chamomile tea is a time-honored hot winter drink to help you have a cozy night’s sleep. Give the gift of comfort and cheer by giving Urban Agriculture’s Chamomile Tea Herb Kit. This is an easy DIY tea kit that includes a packet of organic chamomile seeds, organic soil and a charming metal tea cup. All you need to add is a sunny window, some water and a little patience. Chamomile is a quick-growing herb that makes an easy and satisfying tea. Buy a kit for yourself and some for your tea-loving friends. This is a great Christmas gift for your book club members (or just friends who love books!) A cup of hot fresh herbal tea, a good book and a cold winter’s night – perfect!

Order yours before we sell out.

Chamomile Tea Grow Kit Order Options